Question for any Brits on the board

While Honeymooning in England and Scotland a number of years ago, I became familier with a term that for the life of me I can’t remember anymore.

In the US, when you make an appointment to eat out at a restaurant it’s called a reservation. In GB they called it something different. What’s the term?

Bonus Question: Why did every drunken Scotsman we met claim to be related to Rob Roy?

Booking a table? That’s the most common phrase for it.

He was a very, very busy man. Tired, too – didn’t sleep much.

No, we make reservations at restaurants. Booking a table works as well, but there’s no reason you couldn’t use that.

The standard of British restaurants (apart from ethnic ones) is such that most people have reservations, whether they’ve booiked a table or not :) .


You know, I guess the term might have been a “booking” but I swear it was something else.

Like ‘holding’? Or do you have a particularly British word in mind…was it a word you wouldn’t normally use, even in other contexts?

It was a real word with a real function outside of the usage I’m thinking of. I seem to only recall hearing it in Scotland, so maybe it’s just really regional.

We were staying at a B&B in Edinburgh and wanted to try the neighborhood Indian Restaurant for dinner. The owner of the B&B said, “Make sure you call ahead and get ____________.”

I’m beginning to think the word really was booking.