Question for Bob Cherub

Classy Stoppard reference. Well done! :)

Oh you liked it?

Didn’t he say he did?

Aeon is just fishing for compliments.

Fuck him.

Three - Love.

You yeah?! Well, if six monkeys were thrown up in the air…

That’s all well and good, but the original question was a reference to Gabriel Knight.

(Also, ‘the power of voodoo’ makes just as much sense as ‘the power of hoodoo’.)

Cabrit Sans Cor


Not if you know the difference!

You know I was just looking for a man…

No, it doesn’t, because “hoodoo” prompts a repetition of the unfamiliar word that then becomes a pun on “Who do?”, leading to the next line in the bit. “Voodoo” does not prompt the “Who do?” response, which then ruins the conceit that the second party is not in on the joke, as “Who do?” is a very odd response to the previous statement.

Not this shit again.

Not this shit again.

Not this shit again.

All of Bowie’s bizarre 80s movie roles are redeemed by his performance as Tesla in the Prestige.

Are you dissing Labyrinth? Because Bowie was awesome in Labyrinth.

I am of the opinion that David Bowie was and is awesome at everything he has or will do.

Anyone who likes Labyrinth hasn’t seen it as an adult.

I have heard from those who have, and it seems to be that way. It’s not so much that he gives a bad performance… It’s that things that weren’t apparent before become obvious with the viewer’s age…

This post is wrong.