Radiant AI?

I’m going to go with 25 shock damage.

A good guess! Or good reading comprehension since I actually mentioned that it was +25shock in the post.


English isn’t my…oh wait, yes it is. :(

I’m a complete and utter fantasy nerd like that too. All my self-made weapons have dorky names:

The Widowmaker
The Green Asp


I just use a lame attribute that says what the item does. “Dwarven Shield Helmet”, “Elven Long Sword of Vamprisim”… annoyingly the last one is too long to display properly, at least with the UI mod i’m using.

Haha. Dwarven Shield Helmet conjures up an image of helmet with a shield mounted on top.


“Your Block skill has increased”

“Your Intelligence has decreased”

I just like to name everything “+1 Mace”

If we have dwarven armor, why don’t we have dwaves? We have elvin armor and elves, orcish armor and orcs, daedric armor and umm daedrics. But no dwarves. Design oversite?

Nope. The Dwarves (Dwemer) perished long ago in the Elder Scolls mythos.

The Radiant AI ends up facing the far wall.

I take a sneak bow shot and either stay stealthed or run away and out distance it.
Either way, it wanders back to its post but doesn’t turn around when it gets there, setting itself up for an easy backstab.

Seen any Elves? HAHAHA!

DeepT, you need to read up on the Elder Scrolls backstory. Maybe read a few hundred of those books in Oblivion… or more conveniently, the history book that’s included with the Collector’s Edition.

“Dwarves” in the Elder Scrolls are actually Dwemer which means they’re a kind of “mer” which is actually Elvish for Elves. Like Dark Elves are called Dunmer in their own tongue, High Elves are called Altmer, and so on.

Sorry, I am not that much into elder scrolls. I can’t even imagine picking up a novel or anything taking place in that world. I just know what I leaned in Daggerfall, Morrowind, and Oblivion.

Well, the disappearance of the dwarves was a pretty big part of Morrowind. Not sure how you could have missed it.

I never played Morrowind - does the disappearance of the dwarves actually happen in-game, or is it just a bit of history that gets explained to you along the way? If an entire race disappears as an in-game event of some sort, I might have to check that out.

I’ve also been wondering where all this dwarvish stuff came from. I’m still hoping to stumble across a book in Oblivion that explains their fate. I’ve probably glossed over it 100 times by now.

It doesn’t happen during the gameplay, but some time before that (a long freakin’ time before). The main quest, IIRC, takes you through that bit of the history and part of it is doing a quest for the last remaining dwemer on this plane. So, yeah, it’s kinda hard to miss if you do the main quest.

There was some mention of it waaaay back in Arena, too. It was always part of the lore, but not fleshed out until Morrowind.

Funny AI moment last night. Though how it happened, I have no idea.

I’m doing a main quest, and decide to go to one of the towns for a reason I won’t spoil, to talk to the Countess. Well, I get there and a guard goes “Halt lawbreaker!” WTF, I’m thinking. I’m very careful not to steal, not to kill anyone or start fights. I’m a goody two-shoes. Ok, so I pay my fine. Well, when I get released from “booking” I pop outside of the castle jail and there with me, freshly spawned, are a bunch of guards in glass armor from a Malaceth Daedric artifact quest. You’ll know it, if you played it. This was a quest many, many quests ago. Apparently I had stolen something (mostly likely a key, to free the . . . ) and also trespassed. I “talk” to the mine guards (bad guys), and they start talking smack, saying “You’re on your last leg, thief”. Where did these guys even come from? That mine was way, way far from any town. There are three of them, some in glass, some in Ebony, some in Daedric. All of a sudden an arrow comes out of nowhere and smacks one of them in the head. I guess for some reason the guards didn’t like them in the town. Or maybe he was aiming for me. Not sure.

Of course a HUGE battle erupts. Seeing the guards attacking the “bad guys”, of course I help. But they start screaming “I’m on your side!”. What??? Since when? So I just let the guards take care of it. These guys were wiping the guards out. There must have been a dozen guard bodies in the courtyard, with more spawning from the barracks, two, three at a time.

Finally all three bad-asses are dead, along with dozens of guards. Two of the guards who dealt the killing blows to the last guy walk over to him, and one of them kneels down. “Cool, he’s going to look the body”, I think, which irked me because I was gonna do that.

Nope. He leans down and whispers “Body still warm. Murderer must be close by.” Yeah, real close, Einstein. Reeeeeeeeeeal close.

I have seen the enemy, and it is us!

The Bleakmine crew are a persistant bunch and will follow you anywhere. They tried to ambush me in Oblivion.

Ah, cool. Thanks.

Hmm I guess this points to the fact that the Radiant AI has no memory, which becomes very very clear after a bit of observation. The guard didn’t remember the fight he just had and was just reacting to a set of rules when you see a dead body.

It is like all the conversations you hear where an NPC says they have to go and then starts a conversation with the person they just said bye to.

I was on a certain DB quest and had to kill many people. Normally they are all located in the same general area, but after I killed the next to last person, my last victim was not to be found where everyone else was. So I follow the red arrow on my compass which leads me to outside the city where it turns green. Turns out she was hunting deer. This was sorta strange since there was plenty of food available in the area she lived in, but it was nice to see anyway.