Radical Heights - Boss Key's post Lawbreakers joint

Wouldn’t it be “shovelware”? The term immediately calls to mind games that use asset store stuff.

I would try this (out of morbid curiosity) if it ran on my NES… or Xbox One. But my PC is in no shape for gaming at the moment.

He’s referring to “asset flip”.

no shame in indies not having dedicated artists or modelers but…

Is this my “I’m getting old” watershed moment? I’m not interested in the genre, but I can totally see the appeal of Fortnite and PUBG. This just looks like cheap trash. Now watch it explode with millions of kids eating it up.

Users over on ResetERA are reporting high memory usage (7-8GB) and that it feels like it is barely ready for Early Access.

Codebois can only shovel so fast, ya know?

The moneygrabbing really is shameful, but given Fortnite’s success at the exact same thing can you blame them?

I don’t blame them at all. If it was my business and my initial project flopped, I’d be doing anything I could to keep the lights on. Both for my own ends, but also because I want to be able to keep putting food on the table for my employees.

Luckily for me, I’m in the peanut gallery and can snarkily make fun of their shameless efforts to keep the lights on!

not a good look to release it in its current state with roadmap plans to keep it in EA for a year.

the deathwatch for its player count on SteamCharts starts NOW.

2 players on lawbreakers now.

This aesthetic probably would’ve worked for me; looks like they’re really leaning into the over the top obnoxiousness (and one of their default dudebros is basically Ultimate Warrior which makes them ok in my book). Absolutely no interest in the Battle Royale genre though.

It’s like a Smash TV arena gameshow look, I agree it’s fresh.

Releasing in EA is the only way to go, Fortnite and PUBG are already incredibly far ahead not in just maturity but content and mobile releases. They need to release early and often to have a chance to grow their userbase. Waiting another 3 months to polish would have been the wrong choice.

Very likely will still fail, of course. It’s hard to steal the crown in the honeymoon phase, and battle royale games are still (barely) in that phase. Fortnite managed that feat because it was free, what does this game offer of similar attractiveness to get players to switch?

Watched a couple if streams. This is very early access rough. That’s being charitable.

I don’t know if they did themselves any favors releasing like this.

Ars couldn’t be arsed about this either: https://arstechnica.com/gaming/2018/04/radical-heights-is-too-embarrassing-a-pubg-clone-to-hide-behind-early-access/

Radical Heights currently has over 100,000 viewers on Twitch and around 6,500 players on Steam, so it seems to be drawing a decent crowd on launch day.

Lawbreakers has 1 person playing.

But aren’t players who spend money, way more important than people watching someone else play the game?

I still don’t fully understand the appeal of watching others play games.

Man, even Battleborn people has 59 people playing.

Watching some Twitch streamer play at the moment. Aesthetically it looks better than PUBG, and I like the hot pink camo parachute pants. 😶