Radiohead as analyzed by fifth-graders

Funny stuff. This is my favorite:

That is absolutely frightening.

I love it.

Next up: I wanna see what happens when you expose 4th graders to Tool. While they’re on acid. Now THAT should be fun.

Have you guys seen some of Radiohead’s album/official website art? I’m a huge fan, but the style’s a bit off-center.

I’m sure “Radiohead’s art is off-center” is vying with “Elton John is gay” for top story in Rolling Stone next month.

It’s funny that any of those kids’ drawings could be their next album cover and many people would find it brilliant, symbolic, infinitely meaningful. Either we should take a long look at what we consider to be great art or we should be happy that such simple things please us and not worry about it.

That reminds me of something I read recently. I listen to a lot of abstract music, commonly called IDM. Some of the artists put out “music” that’s just a cacophony of annoying sounds, and I’m sure there’s a faction somewhere that thinks it’s brilliant. But one album is rumoured to be Aphex Twin’s Selected Ambient Works (not sure if it’s I or II) run backwards (and probably stretched or otherwise distorted, or else it’d be pretty easy to test that one). In that case, if somebody was fooled and thought that album was fantastic, how would they feel to find that somebody was playing a joke on them?

I think many people, including myself, can fall into the trap of liking weird things just because they’re weird, or having atypical opinions just because they’re atypical. Oh well, just something to think about.

I just can’t stop cracking up at that picture.

I seriously worry about the two kids who drew the “Free Suicides” and “I hate my life” pictures. Jeez, they’re only 9 or 10 years old; they shouldn’t be thinking like that.