Rage 2 - Bethesda and Avalanche witness me

Every time i try and remember a Rage 1 level, I picture Borderlands maps.

Remember the sewer areas they were all horrible and the same. Cannot be forgotten.

That train station was good though. The Blue Line? And everything was enhanced by your mechanical spiders of death.

I’m trying to get all hyped up for this game, but they’re trying to ruin that.

There’s more gameplay footage out there now. I love hearing that they’re taking “DOOM 2016’s gunplay” and putting into this game, but none of the gameplay videos actually show that so far. I can tell that it’s certainly more DOOM than Division and all, but this game doesn’t get nearly as frenetic. And while I’m sure a lot of my impression here is because I’m just watching it rather than playing it, the fact is that from what little we’ve seen so far, everything just looks so grounded and flat-planed–compared to DOOM’s parkour fun.

I’m still pumped for the game though, even if they aren’t doing the best job of making it look good. I love first-person arcadey shooters, and I want more of them. I don’t mind the open-world stuff, I just want frantic gameplay with lots of enemies jumping out trying to blast me before I explode them. With that being said, maybe it’s because they set the difficulty super low for that particular venue, but the enemies look slow and stupid. There’s no danger on display here, the player ducks around a corner and everybody just seems to forget about him immediately. And when he’s out in the open, I’m reminded of the goons from the Arkham Asylum or Assassin’s Creed games, just a bunch of guys huddling around you calmly waiting their turn in line to take a swing at you–giving you all the time in the world to punch them each in the face first.

Anyway, I sound more down on the game than I really am, I just want it to be good (or my subconscious is actually trying to tell me something I don’t want to hear–but I can’t hear it, LA LA LA LA LA LA).

This game looks fantastic. Two things I greatly appreciated in DOOM 2016 that seem to be back for Rage 2: dropping you into a mini-sandbox area and letting you play how you want with the tools at your disposal, and console 60 FPS (at least on One X / Pro). The guns sound punchy and look like they feel good to shoot. Some of the weapon upgrades in DOOM were awesome so I’m excited to see what they come up with here.

I’ve been transitioning from PC to PS4 for more games lately and 30 FPS is something I’ve been having trouble adapting to. Almost every game feels like it’s chugging and unresponsive. DOOM was a breath of fresh air, and I’m happy to see Rage 2 prioritize that silky smooth gameplay.

@kerzain Agreed about the enemy AI.

Compare to this:

Hahahaha nice.

I lost all my hype for this when they said it wasn’t coming to Steam. :(

A new round of previews are up, which has led to the Avalanche CEO being pretty unhappy with Gamespot’s article. Bethesda’s probably made a mistake by constantly emphasizing “id’s shooting” as they aren’t actively developing the game.

The more the CEO tells me that ID didn’t develop the shooting, the less interested I become. I was hyped about the game until he started trying to convince me that the shooting won’t be as good as it could have been.

All the previews said the shooting felt great, but some of the more spread-out areas lacked in density. They still have months to adjust that stuff.

And this is the stuff I hope they focus on. My biggest problem with open world shooters is low density. As much as I adore the game, Borderlands 2 had too much open space in several areas for example. And Borderlands Pre-Sequel barely felt populated at all.

I’m still looking forward to this shooter, with only the upcoming DOOM Something hyping me more.

Depends on the shooter, I’m playing through Far Cry 5 now and I always go stealthy, with a silenced sniper rifle, ghosting them like the angel of death pointing a skeletal finger at each dude and exploding his heart from 500 meters.

From the previews, they want RAGE2 to be close range, that’s very deliberate. Borderlands was somewhere in the middle.

Good shooting, not good driving, which would be disappointing. I thought Rage and Mad Max both had ok driving. This guy says it’s like JC4. Anyone know what that was like?

I find it hard to tell, because I play with mouse+keyboard which is objectively inferior to a gamepad for that. Driving always feels terrible to me in every game.

Pick up a gamepad when you get in a car man.

Eh. I just don’t drive that often. In Far Cry you can just fast travel somewhere vaguely nearby, spawn 5000 feet in the air, then fly in a wingsuit wherever you need to go.