Random thought thread!

Yeah mice can do some serious damage, sounds like a pretty unpleasant way to spend a day. Good luck!

My first car was basically finished off by a mouse. It built its nest in just the right spot where, when it rained, instead of the water draining out of the engine it backed up into the driver’s side. I discovered this after a long rain storm when I found about four inches of water on the floor of my car. I bailed it out and brought it in and they did their best to dry it out, but apparently all the car’s electronics were housed under the same side of the car. Now that they’d probably gotten wet I was told the car would basically just break down at some indeterminate point and be impossible to fix.

My wife had mice in her car. She found a dead mouse on top of the dash and a couple more dead ones on the floor in the front passenger foot well. She totally freaked out because she didn’t notice until she was backing her car out of the garage. I removed the mice and cleaned up the car.

A couple of weeks later, I was changing the cabin air filter in the car and made a fun discovery. The filter was filled with corn gluten meal pellets. The mice had been pilfering from a bag of the leftovers from the spring fertilizing for the lawn. The mice had been living in her car and stashing their food in the cabin air filter.

Wife’s car is clean, shampooed and steamed. I worry vaguely about the ducts between the cabin air filter and the rest of the car. I have no doubt they’re still full of mouse poop, but not much I can do about that… thoughts?

Other car is vacuumed, will need to wait a few days before it can be shampooed.

Garage is cleaned. Under all the stuff was a giant mess of poop, paper, etc. Funny how you walk through there not noticing, then when you realize you have a mouse it’s completely freaking obvious.

No mouse in the garage or traps though. It may be in the car, or maybe it was coming in from outside during the night through a gap at the edge of the garage door on the ground which I noticed months ago (was about half-inch) but didn’t fix until today.

Is it legal to set a mousetrap outside?

Maybe you can pull the cabin air filter and stuff a dryer vent hose connected to a shop vac down into the air ducts?

For some utterly unfathomable reason, I’ve had the music and lyrics to “Heartlight” in my head all afternoon. For those of you lucky enough to be too young and/or too uncultured to remember this travesty, it’s a song that:

A) Was written by Neil Diamond and Burt Bacharach right after they saw E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial. Universal sued him for it.

B) More or less marked the point where Diamond’s music career went from “graceful decline” to “screaming downward plunge into self-parody.”

C) Is categorical proof that there is no God, and also that God hates us.

I am relatively certain that I haven’t heard this song in two decades. Yet it’s been bouncing around my head for hours. I mentioned this to my wife and even sang her a couple (horrific) lines from the song: Don’t wake me up too soon/ Gonna take a ride across the moon…

Far from being sympathetic, she looked at me like I was some kind of plague-carrying beetle. “How the Hell do you remember the lyrics to that piece of garbage, but you forgot our dinner plans for tonight that you made?”

I don’t know the answer to that either.

Ear worm sometimes can be evil.

I thought you should all know, as early as possible, that 2017, among other things, is a prime number.

This may be important as you try to avoid the news about everything else that is going to hell in a hand basket in this country. At least we’ve got that.

My grand-boss resigned on Monday. I’ve worked for him for about 8-ish years now, so this is quite the change. Not quite sure yet what to think about it.

Something like a giant wall of cellophane came through the town tonight. While I was on the porch smoking a cigarette. The smoke turned pink and thick. I almost choked. On the other hand my dick is real long. Down to my knee. And I’m a lot smarter. I know that because when I fart it explains things to me. I was happy until I heard the sound from my bedroom. A sound like a bag of rocks being shaken hard. And teeth grinding. That’s when I realized that my dog and my wife were now one single being. My farts tell me that the wife will be awake before the next wave comes through. Even then… there’s no guarantee that things will get better.

What happens at the zero bound?



Alrighty then!

What’s a grand-boss?

Woops, sorry. My boss’ boss. Neologism playing w/ the family tree prefices. Boss->Grand-boss->Great-grand-boss->etc…

Had a good last-day-of-work chat with him on Friday, followed by his official going away social event thingy that evening. Very surreal.

OK, I get you. They call that a skip-level at Microsoft. Everyone’s got their own dialect.

Ugh, my sympathies. That’s a truly terrible song.

I love susi

What is this from??

No idea. But is cute.

I’m doing a rewrite of a song for my birds.
You may know it.

The Sound of Parakeets

Hello birdies, my old friends,
I’ve come to cover you again,
Because two birdies softly cheeping,
Ate their seeds and now need sleeping,
And their screaming is planted in my brain
Such a pain
I need the sound of silence

Gonna do the whole damn song. Because I waste my time that way.