Random thought thread!

[sigh] That is not a cat.
We can go round and round here if you want.
I am not confused.

How about now?

Amusing, but not relevant. That was clearly a cat.
Furthermore, he was saved.

Ah ha!

Cats donā€™t spel gud.

There is plenty there.

Tel PoguePoguePogue that.

Still not confused.

I suspect that picture is comprised of a man and a dog but shot in such a way to make it look like the dog has a human body.

I do not believe that is a picture of a dog-human hybrid.

Thatā€™s an awesomely composed picture!

Well this sucks. Fortunately it wasnā€™t a GTX 1080ti, just a new keyboard, but stillā€¦


I guess this is more of a random question than an actual thought, but here goes: why do people tie two shoes together and fling them up on power/phone lines? I mean, other than because they can, I guess. Iā€™ve seen it all my life, always idly wondered about it, then saw yet another pair of sneakers walking back to my office just now.

Maybe itā€™s the religious nutbag jews marking the borders where they are allowed to walk on saturdays.

Actually, on reading about it, the shoes are unnecessary, maybe bored kids are doing it after all.


Iā€™m seeing it all over in here(Israel), so maybe the shoes are visual aids for the seeing-impaired. Those lines are pretty thin.

Iā€™ve heard that theyā€™re to denote drug dealing or prostitution areas.

This is what Iā€™ve heard as well.

@Lamalo thanks for the extra info, since that was an extremely curious response without it.

What do you call the act of viewing food porn? When you eat it, you get to food-gasm, but what are you doing when looking at the pictures?

Foodsturbating? Mastur-cating?