Random thought thread!

I think calling 911 first would be preferable. It can take a bit to break a window, if you don’t have tools. I haven’t personally tried it, but I’ve read some articles on incidents where it took people several tries. Plus, you may be very occupied after breaking in. That’s precious minutes before professional help arrives.

Well I’m fairly well certain I could break it in much shorter time than minutes, but certainly reasonableness does take into account. I’d give it a few good attempts, and if that gains no traction call 911, then search for a tool.

More than likely I have my car or bike nearby. I know for damn sure if I got my tire wrench out that window is gone in seconds.

Always remember the glass spray. Pick the window least likely to cause injury with glass shards.

I didn’t mean call 911 and then wait for them to show up without doing anything. I meant call 911, report, maybe keep them on the line while taking on the window.

I get emails periodically from the WWF - when I was kid that was the World Wrestling Federation, but now it’s the World Wildlife Foundation - because I’ve donated to them in the past. But today there was a note from William Shatner saying if I join I’ll get a thank you note from him! Which would be awesome. But probably doesn’t say good things about me that I would find this persuasive, over things like saving polar bears and stuff. Oh well.

I’m watching a TV commercial for a drug. They say, Do not take Snakeoil if you are allergic to Snakeoil.

How would I know that I’m allergic to a drug unless I take the drug?


I hope so. :)

Packing to move kinda sucks. But, I keep finding old USB thumb drives and checking what’s on them. Powerpoint 2003 presentation… look I had transitions in there!

That USB is so old it might actually not have Chinese spyware on it!

Going by the Amazon track-the-courier-on-a-map page, I think the person who is delivering my package has either been carjacked or just outright quit.

Why is the caulk gun needle thing to pierce the tube never long enough to reach? Many times I am forced to cut larger caulk diameters just so the needle can reach inside.

I dunno but man I hate caulking, or putting on silicone. It always looks so easy and every single time I make a mess of it that totally looks amateur.

Here’s my related question: How is it 2018 and yet we can’t have a foolproof tool that removes old caulk/silicone easily? Typically you’ll see, “it’s easy,” videos or shows followed by, “you’ll need the following,” list of 6-7 things, and after the tools don’t work they break out the razor blades, etc.

I should use a solvent.

Sounds like you need a new caulk gun, with a longer needle.

And a scope.

It’s my third/fourth caulk gun, every time I buy one I guess I get a dumb one.

My tip, use plastic bags to clean up caulk, it will magically clean it off your hands.

You can hire a guy. I didn’t realize it was a specialty until we had some brick work done. The guy we hired was done the work except for caulking. We asked why he wasn’t finishing the job that day and his response was that he didn’t do caulking and the caulking guy was coming the next day.

We ended up hiring the caulking guy for more work. He has caulk to match all sorts of colours and presumably, a long enough needle.

I’ve done sinks and showers mostly. That reminds me I need to check around my windows. I’m not sure at what point I would roll into needing a guy, but I assume maybe next time I could wait until everything needs it and have the guy come in to do it in a jiffy. Though my caulk/silicone look amateurish, it’s the removal that kills me. There are always teeny tiny bits left behind and it makes the next application look like crap.

That’s what I just did, windows. I kept smelling cigarette smoke. I wondered if I had a brain tumor because nobody else smelled it. Then I realized it must be my neighbor, who thoughtfully smokes outdoors. Unfortunately that’s next to my window.

As for removing old caulk… If it doesn’t want to come off easily, it deserves to stay in place. Winter is coming, it needs to get done.

There was a time around here that people would steal sago palms out of your front yard. Now they are everywhere so there is no reason to steal one.

Last year I remember some guy having a thousand dollars in Halloween crap stolen from his front yard. Several others had lesser amounts stolen. People are scum basically.

A neighbor recently had someone break into his truck, take his garage door opener and the ransack his garage. Got away with some nice welding equipment. That sounded like someone from the neighborhood did it.