Read all about it: Facts and News edition

In case any here need guidance on who or what to believe. These are trying times.

NPR, CBC, The Economist, Financial Times, BBC News? L O Fucking L. If those are partisan liberal liars, holy jesus are they deluded.

But we all knew that already.

This is totally the standard MO for sites like Infowars currently. The same thing has happened with the Daily Mail.

These imbeciles have been caught, multiple times now, simply lying to their readers and spreading misinformation. So their tactic is to attack the fact checkers and real journalists, and say that in fact THEY are the liars. They have attacked Snopes, and Politifact, and Effectively, their rebuttal is “Nuh uh, YOU ARE!”

And this works with their readers.

I am legitimately surprised that those sites are not listed, really.

It’s funny because I bet a ton of folks Googled “Little Green Footballs” after reading that list. They probably picked up a bunch of new readers today as a result. What a handy list!

Just to be clear, they did NOT list The Onion.

That’s because The Onion has never gotten a story wrong.

This is my favorite recent onion story:

I have to wonder how quickly Infowars and the like will turn on the Trump administration. They get and keep their readers by stirring them up about the “liberals” in charge. What happens when their party of choice controls all 3 branches? Either you target the current administration or you lose your readers. For now they can target the other news sources and victim-blame them, but that’s not going to play for the next 2 - 8 years.

I remember wondering the same thing about Rush Limbaugh ages ago. He survived. So will they. They will just keep targeting anything the left does, or wants to do, or that they can lie about them doing.

My bro-In-law in Texas just posted some Infowars story about a homeless black woman that Trump has allowed to stay in one of his buildings or something. Kills me to see that. Of course the lying MSM hasn’t mentioned anything about this act of benevolence for some reason.

Like the Nazis has to stop blaming minorities for everything when they took power?

Trump’s attacks have never been fact based, they’ve been based on emotions. As such, nothing limits their application.

I can believe the “reasonable” pro-Trump places like Fox News will still be firmly pro-Trump, but not Infowars. Alex Jones was all about the Bush conspiracies for the 8 years of Dubya’s presidency, followed by 8 years of anti-Obama while he’s been in power. He doesn’t trust anyone who is in power and doubly distrusts anyone in government. Without conspiracy involving the administration, Alex Jones would have a mental breakdown. By next Summer, he’s going to be ranting about Trump’s secret agreements to funnel Social Security taxes to North Korean pop-stars or something.

Here you go. If you want to feel good about your liberalism, this is the story for you.

Francis is a good Pope, and I think it’s a good thing he’s the guy in charge of the church at this point in history.

This isn’t about fake news but it is about reporting the news. I came across this picture of Jason Buttrill, a guy who’s embedded with a unit fighting in Mosul right now. His bio says former analyst for DoD and current researcher for The Blaze, who list him as a foreign affairs correspondent. Here’s the picture:

I just think it’s highly irresponsible of him to take up arms as a correspondent much less post a picture of it online. I mean, sure, if you’re in imminent danger of being harmed or killed while reporting a story then by all means defend yourself. But doing so solely to check off an item on your bucket list can absolutely endanger other journalists. This just doesn’t seem particularly well thought out.

I don’t disagree at all in general, but on the other hand it’s not as though ISIS respect norms of conflict, especially around journalists, so I’m not sure it will make much practical difference in this case. Still, terrible idea.

Given the look of the guys behind him, I’m 100% sure he’s not actually “shooting at ISIS”.

But yes, even suggesting that he is, is a really stupid thing for a reporter to do… because he’s essentially establishing himself as a combatant. He’s now a valid target.

This deserves to be here

Man, I love you Stephen.

Agreed on both counts.