Real-Time Strategy all purpose discussion thread

What is the secret to not starving to death once you reach a certain size in Northgard? You need more food than wood, but you can harvest wood anywhere whereas food can only be done on certain territories with the special resources. I’ve been having to save stone exclusively to upgrade my food production buildings and accompanying silos. Most iron also goes to upgrading the tools of the food producers.

Is the secret to just not grow? Build a ton of trading posts to make tons of gold and buy most of your food?

I can’t give specific hints as I played it already many months ago (when it was released), I don’t remember to that detail, but I remember the key was to control your pace: expanding too fast can result on unexpected food shortages as you grow too much before your economy is ready to support it, and expanding too slow can result not getting the needed resources to survive winter, nor getting the upgrades you need to get surplus food, very needed for when the initial happiness bonus disappear. You have to move on the knife’s edge in that sense. And what’s the correct pace then? Well, it varies! Random maps with random provinces and random factors means you can’t memorize a simple optimized build order.

Is the only penalty to <0 happiness that your population stops growing?

Has anyone heard any news about whatever the rts project is Chris Taylor is working on?

Meant to post this on Thursday. Not sure how legit. I’m having trouble unpacking the game myself.

Er…Dark Reign is sold on GOG.

What I was reading on the gog forums was that it won’t work on later windows releases unless you use on the of the fan patches. Haven’t tried it myself.

That it’s still being sold is indicative that you can’t get it for free legally, but it happens now and then.
This case is weird, Activision doesn’t care that it’s been available online in the same fan site for at least 10 years, I can see how people would assume they relinquished protection.

Just tried it, ran fine on Win 10, albeit in a weird 4x3 thing with black bars on the side, but it worked fine.

Dark Reign had really excellent AI.

I thought it was a great game. Really clever.

Just came across this, wishlisted and will wait for more info / reviews.

Well, I suppose this answers the question of whether everything’s been done before in the genre. I could even imagine the pitch;
“Wait, so you want to lead a cult to take over the world? How would that remotely sell?!?”
“Sure! I mean, every game and its brother has people you’ve just met calling you some version of ‘the chosen one’ so why not turn the whole idea upside down and call it a cult?”
“I … have no comeback. Proceed.”

Not sure why it wouldn’t sell (for an indie RTS). Cultist Simulator did pretty well, and there are a bunch of strategy games involving cults. Not to mention that Left Behind game.

Joke at the expense of publisher heads ;)

So it’s weird, but I just find myself usually playing Sins of the Solar Empire, Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance, or Rise of Nations…depending on my mood. Maybe also Company of Heroes 2 albeit less frequently. Nothing new has really surmounted these. Some new games in the same vein have come out, but they are disappointing in comparison, and I end up going back. (namely SupCom 2, Planetary Annihilation, Ashes of Singularity)

I figure I am resigned to playing those old RTSs for the rest of my days. (Help?)

I don’t feel like any of the newer RTS games have added anything to improve on the old ones, so I’m right there with you.

To me, it’d be like if the FPS genre was still putting out nothing but DOOM clones after we had seen the likes of Battlefield, Planetside, PUBG, Fortnite, Half Life 2, etc. I mean, I enjoyed picking up ammo and medpacks and progressing through a level back in the day, but why would I want to buy that same game over and over again in 2019? I’d rather just replay HL2.

What do you think of They Are Billions? I find it scratches a new itch.

I’d add Homeworld to your list - not sure why space RTS hasn’t at least done more of the same as that classic did.

There are worse games to play for all eternity.

I haven’t played They Are Billions. Last I looked it was Early Access…(strict EA no play policy…finish your game).

Homeworld was incredible for its campaign but I don’t really care for the skirmish mode. I think Nexus: The Jupiter Incident was the last RTS I played that is sort of similar (mostly capital ships though).