Really? A sequel to Independence Day?

Actually, they’d try but fail because they wouldn’t be able to tether the iPhone to the alien laptop.

Bigger is better… they’ll do it with an ipad.

I’ll risk the hive-mind’s wrath and admit that I enjoy ID4. Sure, the virus is absurd, and yes, some of the characters and performances are terrible (I wish Randy Quaid died in the first reel, not the last) but the action, pacing, and effects are all fun.

it was one of the better “all the monuments in the world get blown up” movies. i want to see a land invasion though. the aliens rarely get to land on earth though. the michael j fox/jack nicholason one, the martian ones, any others?

People dislike Independence Day? I didn’t know the film even had to be defended. It pretty much invented the summer blockbuster. I have no idea how prior generations managed to get through those sweltering months.

Words fail me.

Jaws, anyone?

the will smith summer blockbuster, maybe?

madkevin wins thread

I’m coming to realize that there’s a depressingly large market for movies that not only don’t require you to think, but that are so intentionally stupid they actively suppress thought.

Really, is there any practical difference between the government-mandated handicaps in Harrison Bergeron and, say, sitting through Transformers 2?

Depends. Did Vonnegut give them popcorn?

Sure. People lined up and voluntarily paid for the privilege of T2. Still, I like ID4, so what do I know?

I also like ID4, but I’m not about to compare it favorably to Terminator 2. ID4 didn’t invent the summer blockbuster, it just made it okay for them to be incalculably stupid.

With unimpressive special effects for the time, even. I mean at least most big budget summer flicks, however braindead, get that part right.

(I still liked it and watch it when I catch it on TV).

T2 = Transformers 2 in that context.

AVG Free, you’ve doomed us all!

IIndependence Day

Don’t do it, man. Just don’t. It’s not worth it.

As long as they call the sequel Garbage Day! I’m there.
