Rebel Galaxy Outlaw

Two very minor complaints:

The sound mix appears overall too loud. Beeps, notifications etc. Played with both 2.0 (Gigaworks T20 speakers), monitor built in speakers (that has always been low volume even when maxed out for everything else including Windows system sounds, Anthem and The Division 2) and Logitech G933 in virtual surround 7.1 mode.

The monitor speakers have never been so loud with anything else ever than with this game.

#2 minor annoyance is when I go to the launch pad from the concourse I don’t expect pressing B to launch me into space since there’s a button right next for that. I expected it to take me back to the station. Granted I got conditioned quickly because I played for 4 whole hours but did anyone else have this expectation that pressing B would go back/cancel our of launch pad?