Rebel Galaxy Outlaw

Is there any way to go backwards? Trying to go around asteroids to mine and it would be nice to back off without turning around flying away and turning back.

No reverse thrusters that I know of. You could drift to do it, but that’s not what you’re looking for. But it’s better than turning around and turning back and turning around and turning back. Get the vector going you want, put inertial dampeners on, and face whichever direction while holding that button down.

Um, what’s the deal with the AI getting so many ace high straights on the first roll? @tbaldree?

RNG! It’s just physics man.


i’m an idiot. my source wasn’t mp3 but flac. converted and it works now.

FOund this and hopefully fixing now…

I found the mouse and keyboard controls of Everspace to be fantastic. Freelancer also had great m+k controls.

On the other hand, I have to train my muscle memory for this…

Edit: I’m using the Logitech F310 Joypad.

How Cool! I just rediscovered a bunch of iron ore I had previously dumped into space at a junk field.

I wonder how long stuff will stay on the map? If it’s a longer amount of time it will be well worth gathering up expensive contraband and dumping it somewhere safe til one can find a pirate base.

It’ll stay til you leave the system-

Well, well, well. It took 25 years, but somebody actually made a true sequel to Privateer.

Congrats Travis & Max.

Awesome thanks!

Anyone know what “per weapon ITTS” means? The only letters I could figure out are the last two which I think are tracking system. But I’m not sure what it does (looking to purchase radar upgrade).

I didn’t get it yet but I assume it means it gives a separate set of prediction crosshairs and/or autoaim when you have multiple weapon types equipped that have different projectile speed.

That’s exactly what it means.

@tbaldree Can I mod or edit the level of bloom? The default is way too much, as it makes everything too hazy in the cockpit. But going with Bloom Off you lose the fact you have actual lights and other things inside the cockpit. A 40% or 50% bloom would be perfect. We’d get some bloom, but it wouldn’t look like there’s a fog machine inside the cockpit :)

Thanks - loving the game!

Wooo cool! Can’t wait to grab it!

At present, no. There are variable internal bloom levels set per lighting setup so there is theoretical support, but I’m still in the ohmygodpleasekillme phase of post-release support so exposing that in some way is further down the line maybe :)

I’m REALLY digging the voice acting, not just by Travis in his many incarnations but by the woman playing Juno.
And do Travis and the other devs at DD not like money or something? This game could still have flown off the virtual shelves at $40, for sure. Not that I’m complaining or anything.

Hey a few questions - I watched Travis’ “starting guide” and I see that much of the same gameplay that existing in Rebel galaxy is here. I did notice he did find some containers - which seemed happenstance as there is SO much fast travel going on to missions & stations and whatnot.

What of my real enjoyments in RO, was just flying from one station to another, as I could kind of do a “figure S” sweeping this way & that, trying to spot junk & mine fields (good place for containers), ice fields (for pure water & tachyon salt) and finding the hackable radio sources for good info on bounties, mining ops & market rates. I don’t see a lot of this flying from one station to another. Is it worth doing as it was in the original RO?

My other question / comment is that I can’t stand the new scanner / radar. It is so small! One of the nice things in RO, was that when you scanned, objects not only appeared on your radar, but they also appeared on your border, like compass settings. Granted, RO was more or less 2D, but when I was watching Travis play, I NEVER SAW any of the things he said he was picking up. I even rewinded & try to spot something on the radar to see how he saw this. I think I read upthread that better radars come later in the game, and I was wondering if real estate / or easier to see came with upgraded radars? If so, maybe someone could take a screenshot of a latter game radar view?

Last question - I’ve been scrounging reddit & here, not seeing any colorblind questions / comments, so either they don’t exist, or no ones complaining yet (to be honest, I have no reddit account and don’t plan on creating a reddit account, so it may be that the lack of official forums are not bringing this up). Anyone colorblind who is playing this game? If so, any thoughts?

Thanks for fixing! I don’t know if other keybinds are an issue, but I’ll share if I encounter any more.