Rebel Galaxy Outlaw

You sound like my grandma trying to get me to have second helpings of dessert!


Hey - we will pay for more content too! I got almost no sleep this week thanks to your game LOL. An idea for DLC would be much larger capital ships and a story wrapped around it. A new alien menace and you must team up to take it out.

The EGStore does support DLC.

What is this, Anthem???

One thing - maybe I’m doing something wrong? I notice in terms of auto-pathing through the systems, the mission screen always shows the shortest number of jumps - including unstable jumps. But it seems unless you start in a system with the needed unstable jump - in which case you get two math markers - it only shows the shortest path with all safe jumps. I actually have to remember which system has the shortcut, then when I get there, manually look up the unstable jump. Am I doing something wrong for the choice not to show up if the shortcut is in the middle of the set of jumps you need to make?

You crazy rat-bastard, lol

Depends on what you value I suppose. Someone who doesn’t yet have a top-of-the-line powerplant should probably stick with a very power-friendly setup but I’ve got nicest-everything on my Coyote. That’s plenty of power to support the 3xTachyon/3xAC loadout I favor. You are absolutely correct that it’s power hungrier, but I don’t really feel short on power. Short bursts from highly accurate and highly damaging Tachyon cannons shred things with precision at range. The lighter enemies, the Jackrabbits and Hellconeys, typically don’t even survive the initial head-to-head pass in a dogfight.

The only time I need more weapons power is when I’ve cleared out the fighters and need to start wiping out a capital ship. Then I shift my power distribution to max weapon and park in the cap ships rear arc and hold the trigger down.

Indeed, but photons will do more damage unless your target’s shields are down, and in that case the autocannons will shred it anyway.

Haha! I mean, if you want to give it for free that’s great, but I have no problem financially supporting the work it takes to make these things.

You scratch my back, I put some scratch into your bank account. Something like that.

Yes, completely. Photons+AC is a higher damage combo. Against a heavily shielded and completely immobile enemy it is super self-evidently the better choice. I personally don’t find that heavily shielded and completely immobile enemies are a frequent enough problem to optimize my weapons loadout for it, but to each their own.

Against highly mobile and lightly shielded enemies (aka fighters) I prefer the higher accuracy of tachyon guns. Yes they don’t have 200% damage to shields. However a volley of 3x Tachyon still does ~300 shield dmg (3 x 135 x .75). Two volleys connecting drops the shields on any fighter I believe. I think the 200% shield damage vs 75% shield damage thing is a bit of a red herring for most game situations. It’s relevant against capital ships certainly, some of those bastards have tough shields, but I’m personally more worried about winning the dogfights. Once the fighter cover is down I find capital ships to be helpless easy prey.

Photon+autocannon will do more damage to fighters too, assuming they have shields. Shrug. I guess if you find them that much easier to aim, go for it.

That’s actually an interesting question. I wonder if @tbaldree would chip in on the mechanics. My instinct is to suggest that the photon+AC combo would actually do less damage, but I can’t prove it.

My reasoning breaks down as follows:

  1. The first volley of 2x Photon would do more shield damage than the 3x Tachyon for sure (I’m assuming long range initial engagement, so the ACs miss).

  2. Assuming enemy ships have shield ranges roughly equivalent to what a player can get, then the shield should still be up after 2x Photon or 3x Tachyon and it’s the second volley that is going to down the shields.

  3. After the shield is down, the next 2-4 volleys to get the kill favor the 3x Tachyon. Again, still assuming longer range combat so the ACs are assumed to miss.

What’s interesting here is that I have no idea how step #2 works. Does a volley of 2 or 3 shots get applied serially or in parallel? Serial heavily favors the Tachyon cannon as they are a higher damage weapon and as soon as that shield is down is starts piling up more damage faster. if it’s in parallel, does the carryover damage from downing the shield get applied to the hull or it lost? If it carries over, is it remodified in reverse by diving the shield% effectiveness of the weapon back out and then multiplying in the armor% effectiveness into the remaining damage? I could see that going lots of ways.

My own experience, having tried that same Photon/AC combo before moving to the Tachyon/AC combo I currently favor, is that the Tachyon/AC does better in dogfights. I also concede that it is entirely possible that the better performance is more related to me getting better at this game over time as opposed to any inherent advantage of one weapon loadout over another.

I rock all tachyon and it’s the pwn with the 8k velocity.

I would say the different velocities make it even harder, because you will need to lead the target a different amount at any range with both tachyons and autocannons. Of course if you go all tachyons that isn’t a problem.

I tired that one briefly too, but 6x Tachyon on a Coyote was a problem even with a top-tier powerplant. I’m good but I’m not never-miss good, and missing with a few bursts of 6x Tachyon means the power gauge is zero.

Sounds like my experience with Watch Dogs 2, heh.

To bring it back to RGO, I just saw the patch notes. Thanks @tbaldree and DD games for being awesome!

Holy shit.

Just got to Nevada, hit some bars and picked up some bounties en route. Going to take my time there, probably go from the Sonora to the SandHawk and see how that feels.

I liked the extra hold size, pirates do drop some good loot. I also liked (the idea of) the turret, but I’m not sure the Tracer Turret is really helping out with a swarm of badz around your ship.

This game really is a masterpiece. I can’t believe the rate of pushing patches out, and more ships promised.

Thank you guys for such a great game.

What is everyone naming their ships?

Space Mallard and Frisky Dingo here.