Rebuild: welcome to the Qt3 zombie apocalypse

Sounds like you’ve got problems.

Is it a good idea to then spend 1 resource to continue scouting and opening up the fog of war? I spent too much time just holding the fort and after 40 days (on hard difficulty), I don’t know what to do? My fort has sufficient food and I do hold on to the attacks (don’t know for how long more) and I am lost as to what to do. I don’t have enough people to expand and if I do take up some suburb, I don’t have enough food… wait, I guess that’s the point of the game… so should I scout more, for what purpose?

I can see my sarcasm is lost in text.
Yes I’ve actually seen all 3.

I don’t have enough people to expand and if I do take up some suburb, I don’t have enough food… wait, I guess that’s the point of the game… so should I scout more, for what purpose?

To find more food to feed more people to claim more land to get closer to your chosen method of surviving the apocalypse.

The “we are throwing a big party to waste food” event is kinda lame. At one point I had about 700 food in reserves. My guys were constantly partying, wasting 200 food a pop in those parties, for +5 happiness. Not worth it at all. By the end game my guys were starving. Can I put an armed guard outside the food storage? :)

I remember M.U.L.E. had this same mechanic if you were doing too well. “Space Pirates” wouls steal all your hard earned resources, leaving you worse off than your opponents, who you were previously beating.

There are worse things that can happen near the end game.

end game

In at least one storyline path, people stop working or just off themselves at random.

Thanks Spoiler McSpoilypants.

Hmm, sorry. I thought I was being vague enough, but I edited in spoiler tags anyways.

(Shrug) It’s not a story line path, either. It’s what happens when you get low on one of your “resources”. Found this out the hard way yesterday on my first complete “challenging” game (it didn’t end well).

Sure it is. You may not have gone far enough down that path though.


If you don’t ban the book, and you let the author start preaching in the church, eventually people get really really happy about the cult and start voluntarily joining the zombies. Also you have a bunch of days where you don’t do anything but religious celebrations.

Holy cow, that’s pretty clever.

Yours and mine both, man.

I am avowed fan of Romero’s film and absolutely cannot f’ing stand Zack Snyder’s remake.

(grumble), you guys raving over this one made me submit and buy it! and I stayed up till 3 this morning playing…soooo tired…you all suck…

You were off by fifteen minutes…check the site name again…

Some spectacular pug negotiations at work there.

What the hell, Tom. Let’s go.

Also, I had played the flash version of this game a while back, but the improvements since then really make the game. This is the first mobile game that I have ever sat down and actually played the way I play real games. I was engrossed enough to lose time.

Okay, sorry for the downtime. Now we’re back on track. Starting with another attack.

And this time, we’re not so lucky.

Ed Solomon, nooooo! We’ll miss your awesome mutton chop sideburns and particularly your handy hammerwork. In other bad news, Kyrios comes back from the farm with an injury. What’s more, she failed to clear out the farm.

Day 21 results:
Ed Solomon killed in a zombie attack
Kyrios injured in failed attempt to clear zombies out of the other farm

Day 22 missions:
Jarrodhk heads into the farm for a second attempt to clear the zombies

The problem now is that we need everyone on defense in case of attack. We’ve got 160 zombies milling around the walls. With Jarrod in the hospital for another turn and Kyrios taking another turn to clear out the farm, we need everyone on defense. Even then, we’ve got a 22% chance of a loss if we’re attacked tonight.

Day 22 results:

Day 23 missions:
Nothing. Standing by for Jarrod and Kyrios.

Prediction: beginning of the end!

If you hole up like that, wouldn’t the zombie population just build up?
(Unless that gang or whatever arrives to clean up again.)