Recent air combat sim recommendations?

Seems like you guys need to get a western publisher / developer with western sensibilities to build a flight sim game. I do too.

I agree with Denny and agape that jsut switchology and historical accuracy doesnt make for much of a game. Just a game with some aircraft doesnt cut it either (though ace combat are great!)

Its good to have these russian study sims. I prefer having them to not having them at all. They arent games but more like a modelling hobby gone way extreme. Cant wait to learn how not to compressor stall a tomcat.

Apparently building a game on top of the sim layer, despite the elaborate hooks made available to do so with the powerful mission scripting tools is even harder than building an aircraft in excruciating detail. I am quite certain a dynamic campaign would sell even better than a trainer aircraft or utility helicopter would.

Coders of the west, unite! you have nothing to loose but your nostalgia-induced chains!