Recent air combat sim recommendations?

After a week where conditions were so bad that not only could I not see any enemy, for the most part I also couldn’t see France, the end of December is actually pretty kind to me, weather wise, as we get another cold but clear day.

And… I get given New Year fireworks!

Oh. Apparently I’m supposed to fire them at a balloon.

This part of the war in 1916 seems to be largely Pups-vs-Rolands as we bump into a flight of the German reconnaissance planes again here and get into a sprawling dogfight. The Roland I’ve latched on to pulls something approximating a split S and zooms away in a dive and when I finally give up chasing him I look around and can’t see any of my flight mates.

So I proceed to target on my own, climbing slowly, and then totally miss the giant target with all eight rockets. So I circle three times to make runs with my solitary Vickers machinegun, taking small arms fire the whole time and then… pop!

Take that, you pipeline jerks.

The flight home is lonely but entertaining, as I get to watch the German trenchlines taking an absolute pounding from artillery. I can hear machinegun fire down on the ground too, but my eye is taken away from that when I see a pair of aircraft appear behind me. They’re a long way away but are getting bigger all the time, which doesn’t seem ideal.

I go into a shallow dive, but don’t have a lot of altitude to trade if I don’t want to get shot from the ground, and my pursuers get larger and larger… and then my heart attack tails off, because it turns out to be a pair of French SPAD VIIs out on a date.

So then I get to enjoy a western commute home in the evening…

I land, feeling pretty happy with myself and then get told that not only was my claim of the Roland CII denied due to lack of witness, but the fact that my wing split on its way to the target this time means that there were also no witnesses for my balloon kill and the brass believe the balloon is still aloft.

Apparently I can’t submit Steam screenshots for proof.

Just use your phone camera. Duh.

Oh. Wait…

@Mr_Bismarck’s recaps are more fun than playing ROF. :) Great stuff.

That’s because WOFF is the bomb. ROF is nice and all, but doesn’t hold a candle in my opinion.

I’m really excited for DCS Viggen:

January 1917 was an interesting time. In the Chinese sense. On New Year’s Day we got sent out at night for a mission to patrol the front lines and I couldn’t see a thing. I was leading, so I took the wing above the clouds to get into some moonlight, but then I could just see bright and blurry clouds, so I took us back down again and bumped into some character called Manfred Albrecht Freiherr von Richtofen, who turned out to be quite handy at this flying business.

There were five of us Pups and four of them Albatros D.II and despite the numbers advantage, they ate our lunch. I latched onto one target, then switched off onto another when it crossed my nose. I put a long burst into the Albatros and then another when he flared up into some sort of prop hang and then he ruddered over and seemed to spiral down to crash in no man’s land.

I didn’t get time to admire my handiwork though, because I was instantly taking gunfire and rounds ripped through the right wing. I rolled and dived and craned to look back over my shoulder to find that, yes, the Red Baron was right on my tail. He put more rounds through the engine and hit me a couple times as I tried to run west toward home.

I burned off all my altitude for speed, but then the engine gave out. I crossed German trenchlines at about 400 feet, taking rifle fire, and put the Pup down in no man’s land, my landing roll being stopped somewhat abruptly when I crashed into a tree.

Fortunately I was close enough to friendly lines to make it to safety, but the Pup was a write-off and I ended up spending 19 days in hospital. I took the time to write out a very detailed claim for the Albatros I thought I’d killed.

On January 20 I went back to unit and on the 21st I went back into the air for the first time. The unit had been strongly reinforced while I was away and we finally had some Officers, so that Flight Sergeants, (like me), could stop leading patrols.

On the 21st we went up for a barn storm to an enemy airbase with every plane we could muster. I’m fairly sure the cook was flying one of them.

Right as we crossed our front lines, the skies exploded as we flew out of the clouds into a mess of Albatros, Halberstadts and DFWs. Our Pups all apparently picked their own targets and for a minute the hardest thing was avoiding collision with a friendly.

I latched onto one of the DFWs, because it seemed the easiest target and absolutely riddled it with holes, darting from side to side and swinging under its tail to throw off the observer, until I got a long burst in from the side and knocked the observer out.

That meant that provided the enemy Albatros didn’t pick me up, (and provided the sodding Red Baron wasn’t about), I’d be fine taking my time, so I cut throttle, fell in behind and slightly to the right of DFW, then angled in and put repeated burst of fire into her until I found something that didn’t react well to bullets…

After that I could see that my squadron mates were below me in a big fight with what seemed to be about 15 German scouts and so I dived in to help. That help didn’t last long though, as I got an Albatros on my tail and he put a long burst into my engine before I even knew he was there.

I turned west and dived and he followed, the Albatros easily keeping pace with my Pup. So I climbed, rolled and pulled hard on the stick, making the Pup’s frame creak and groan, then I rolled into a head-on pass with the Albatros, hitting him with a short burst, and then I got onto his tail, only for the engine to cut out, either from damage or exertion.

I turned west again and floated over the German lines again and the whole time the Albatros was zooming in on my tail and then falling back and then repeating. He never fired though. Eventually he roared up onto my left wing, almost level, then banked away and turned east.

I don’t know if his guns were busted or if this was some sort of AI chivalry, but it was very cool to see and very cool to not be dead.

I pancaked my second Pup in front of the British trenches, got out and walked into friendly lines and wrote out my claim for the DFW while I waited for a car to take me back to the airfield.

Some time later both the Albatros and DFW claims were denied due to lack of witnesses, so I still have zero kills.

I don’t see any mention of needing MCFS3 on their product page and store, is it dependency free now? Somehow that extra ebay foraging step was always my limiting factor (well, that and RoF’s graphical superiority, but I’ve played it to death now, might be nice to have a different gameplay experience.)

Microsoft Combat Flight Simulator v3.1 is still listed under ‘requirements’ on the support page, and in the faq. Strange that it’s not prominently displayed on the product page …

They also have this on the support page regarding where to acquire the base game:

other on-line retailers for example has Microsoft Combat Flight Sim 3 (access $5.95 for 1 day to download it - note we have nothing to do with that site use it at your own risk.

You can download the game free at that site, which seems kind of dodgy.

It’s going used for a penny plus pound shipping on amazon… I can do that!

oh… wow… 6gb RAM as a minimum. On a 2002 game framework no less. I’ll need to wait, then, for an upgrade to my desktop.

I think you don’t need to have CFS3 installed now as it has issues with Windows 10, but they are probably obligated to say you must own CFS3. Here, just found this:

You don’t need CFS3 installed, just to have the CDs. It asks for them during installation.

Yes, it’s surprising how system intensive WOFF is compared to ROF until you’ve played it a few times and seen how the AI flies and what kind of stuff is happening around you.

ROF always felt like the campaign gave you a mission and then threw enemy formation into the air for you to bump into. WOFF feels like it’s building a world and then you fly around in it. Activity feels more real, it feels like the enemy planes are there, (or not there), for a reason, you can tell if a pilot is a rookie or a veteran from about 10 seconds of combat and the whole thing feels like it’d be just fine without you if you just sat on the runway with the engine idling for an hour.

Ah, my impression was that it didn’t even do the CD check in Ultimate Edition, after reading that thread. Thanks for clearing that up, I’d upgraded my older version myself so I had no idea whether it still did the CD check on a clean install.

EDIT - Seems some folks claim you don’t need the CFS disc at all for WOFF: Ultimate Edition in these threads over at IL-2 and ROF forums:

That makes the WOFF campaign sound much more like the legendary Red Baron 2 campaign. Which, along with the Falcon 4 campaign, are IMO the ideal dynamic campaigns that are my “Holy Grail” in flight simming.

I’ll take that type of campaign over better graphics any day. For me, it’s all about role playing and they world they give you in which to do it. I’m an open world kinda guy, whether it’s an RPG or flight sim (and I’ve said for decades, the best games are all some type of role playing game.)

WOFF is definitely more in line with RB2 and F4 than many other sims. I think it’s dynamic campaign might actually be better than either of them. It’s at least on par with F4.

Huh, I must be wrong then! Guess I’ll have to get the UE and find out. ;)


I am a virgin no more! The fight with the Halb II was a lot of fun - we met each other at right angles and outnumbered them five-to-three. I latched onto him quickly and put a long burst through his tail. I know they all hit home because I almost followed up by hitting his tail with my face, we were that close.

I think he was at the low edge of veteran for skill, because he was tricky but I could keep up with him, whereas Ace enemy pilots just eat me alive.

The few extra holes I’d put in the back of his plane on that first pass no doubt helped and although he pulled some nice manoeuvres they were mostly to try and break contact and run for home and he kept trading altitude for speed, so I’d just sit above, let him finish his turn and then go into a shallow dive to catch up and get guns on again.

Eventually I forced him down to the deck and put another long rake through his top wing and he set his plane down, went into a long bouncing roll and then hit a fence and flipped goose over stumps.

If he’d cleared the fence he probably would have rolled onto the end of our runway at Courcelles.

The next day I didn’t have much hope for being credited with the Halberstadt as I had to chase him across the lines into German territory and so had no witnesses, but the Albatros was a cast iron kill. He pancaked on our side of the lines, so I’m going to presume the kill was given to AAA or something.

Those two, the balloon, the DFW and the Roland all felt like completely wateright claims but apparently my victims have to crash land into the Squadron Leader’s watercress sandwiches before I have a chance at credit.

Yay, congratulations!

You are really making me want to play this.

Everyone should play this.