Recent air combat sim recommendations?

I can’t get over the Roberts Space Industries branding on the side of that thing. WTF.

I’m totally sold.

Any talk of VR for this? I mean it ain’t a deal killer for me, but… hard to go back.

No. The dynamic duo of Winding Man and Polovski did a lot with the ancient, creaky CFS3 engine, but there’s never going to be VR.

Now, if you’re looking for reasons not to buy the sim, also keep in mind that WOFF doesn’t pander to players. I spent 100 minutes in the air last night, mostly doing observation, the rest in transit, and not a Hun to be found. 'Course, the CO did send us up in shit weather that had our kites bouncing across the skies, and the Hun COs have to be less retarded than our khaki lot, so…

Even the boring, crap missions generate stories :)

VR still has a ways to go.

I just watched “War Horse” for the first time. Pretty good movie framing WW1 as the first mechanized war, unexpectedly for some.

Does WOFF address the war overall? Can you look down and see no-mans-land, perhaps swoop down and see the trenches?

Is gas warfare in the game, and if so, how is it handled?

I know it sounds silly, but any horses in the game? Instant buy if yes.

I haven’t WOFFed in a while, but you can for sure see no man’s land and artillery explosions and such below. The engine, I assume, is far too old to allow granularity to the level of horses.

My one niggle with WOFF is the planes are just so well-behaved. None of the feeling of pure danger just flying around, to say nothing of landing, that you get from Rise of Flight. Those old crates were damned rickety.

Whatever you say against IL-2 and DCS, they get this right. When will we be able to have our cake and eat it too?

No horses, damn. How cool would it be to fly over a cavalry charge against machine guns like in the movie.

@scharmers writing is compelling. Boughtened.

/slow blink

I have two thoughts on this.

First, try flying a Parasol during Winter. You will be tossed all over the sky, and good luck even getting close to stated max alt.

Second, er, well, yes, planes can remain in a stall state for quite a while before that wing drops and off you go. But I have the counter-argument that, starting with the original Il-2, combat sims have over-modeled spins and stalls.

Third bonus observation: some of these rickety old crates were remarkably stable, considering. Nice when doing sneak and peeks, not so nice when trying not to die. The unstable rigs – say, the Camel – are a handful, and will result in a wooden cross or a Victoria Cross depending on how natural a pilot you are.

Yay congrats! Just be sure to back up the installer file somewhere like Dropbox or Mega, because you can only snag it for a limited amount of time and attempts.

I’d better give it another go.

I have it, but the sound, graphics and flight modelling just put me off. Reading the book @scharmers recommended gives me a far better experience. Thanks for that old man!

Oh, it’s okay to admit that your wrist strength has declined due to flying all those FBW planes, and you’re just not physically up to pushing an underpowered kite through the sky on hour+ missions… hehehe


I love where this thread is going.

Back to DCS?

Kidding. I’ll give WoFF an honest shake and sing it’s praise, no doubt. @scharmers AARs and the period have convinced me thoroughly.

Not that I’ve given up on Time Pilot, mind you. Games need to have story, and style and presence. It would be a crime for an effort so worthy as DCS to be discounted for the lack, as it excels in immersion and adrenaline. Working on the other bits.

Would be an equal crime to ignore those on the other side of the spectrum. I’m getting the vibe that WoFF is right there with European Air War, and flight sims of Micropose lore which we would all like to see return. Sign me up. Great time for flight sims.

I’ll need to hook up the trackir again if I’m going to reinstall woff.

If you have an Oculus you can install Opentrack and it will act as a Track-Ir. I’m gonna try that since I don’t have the original.

Worked in DCS pretty well. It’s light enough you can wear it like a baseball cap. Just make sure to uninstall when you fly in VR, as it causes a conflict in DCS at least.

It will be less of a hassle to just pull out the trackir and hook it back up. It just needs a usb port, and then sits on top of the monitor like a webcam.

The il2 folks should hire the WOFF team to do the campaign work for the Flying Circus game. Then we could have modern graphics, and vr to go along with a great campaign.

And that AI. I want the ai behaviours scharmers is describing in my il2.

That’s my dream sim you guys are describing right there.

Pretty much. Storytelling AI or modern sim stuff

Dear God why not both???
