Recommend a 2 player co-play game to me

So my daughter (19) and I like to play co-play games on her x-box.

We have played…

The Gears of War Series
Castle Crashers
Portal 2

I am not into the Lego games. She loves them but I don’t see the point. Maybe when LOTR comes out I will play that with her.

Any ideas?

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You can get 50 Cent Blood in the sand for cheap on Ebay. Its ok cooperative campaign for the 360, even though the game itself is weak.

Also Rainbow 6 Vegas 1/2 are coop,

Fear 3 worked pretty well in coop.
Borderlands 1 and 2 are great in coop.

Is the co-op play for Borderlands offline? Split screen?

You can offline split-screen it with two people.

I loved duo-ing Borderlands 1&2 (PC) with a friend. Had a lot of fun duo-ing Resident Evil 5; haven’t tried it on RE6 yet. If you like button-mashing action-RPGs, LotR:War in the North is okay.

If you’re into platformers, Rayman Origins is terrific. It does get pretty hard at times but is really fun. And has a fantastic art style.

Renegade Ops is a decent “destroy EVERYTHING IN SIGHT” game that can be played co-op without a problem. The last level isn’t great, though.

I only played the demo of Lara Croft: The Guardian of Light but that seems pretty cool as well.

I think the first two games have demos as well, so check them out!

Plasma Pong


the kids’ thing? wha…?

Can I second Resident Evil 5? I loved playing that with my roommate.

Ooooh, I’d forgotten about this one, but you’re right: it’s a lot of fun co-op. You should go get the real game. :-)

Not just for kids darn it!

Seriously, my girlfriend and I play it together and enjoy it a fair bit. That said some pretty hardcore, typically guy type shooters were listed as previously enjoyed games above. If those are the preferred flavor of games, forget my suggestion.

If Skylanders is of interest, some rumors are floating that on Black Friday Best Buy will have staters for $50 and a blowout deal on series 1/ last year’s figures which are a great deal for expanding the game on the cheap.

Terraria is coming to XBLA soon.

My vote is for RE5. Probably my favorite coop game. I can’t count the number of times I have run through it.

Halo 4? Blops Zombie Mode? GR: Future Warrior?

Lara Croft: Guardian Of Light. Its a superb co-op game. The only thing I disliked about it is that it seemed to end too soon!

It’s easy to forget that the 360 has backwards compatibility, since it’s neither comprehensive nor fully working with all the titles it theoretically does support, but I believe titles like Baldur’s Gate: Dark Alliance, Justice League: Heroes, and the X-Men Legends games work fine and I can vouch for them being quite enjoyable in splitscreen.

Also, on a current gen note, Marvel Ultimate Alliance and sequel are both lovely as well.

I agree,If your into a co-op Action RPG, these are some of the best available on consoles.

All co-op games end to soon. Gears of War 3 while a lot of fun seemed a very short co-op game. Probably under 20 hours.

Borderlands or the Laura Croft ideas sound good.

We liked Halo ODST until we realized that for some reason the game allowed us to “jump ahead” in the plot and therefore we were never able to actually finish the game. We “touched” something that jumped us ahead in the plot.