Recommend me a new New 3DS game

You can play it with the 3DS XL, but you might want to get the Circle Pad Pro XL if you like the game as it makes moving the camera much easier.

I agree with rei: Pocket Card Jockey is the best Monster Hunter game.

At least one of my friends who went in hard on Generations ended up going back to MH4U. For him, the QoL changes in Generations ended up being heavily outweighed by the total lack of worthwhile endgame content that wasn’t just grinding deviants for hours.

If you value some kind of (slight) story to gate your progression through the hubs, then 4U. Otherwise Generations. Both are much better for beginners than any prior game.

Generations is a ‘best of’, but does have some additional new mechanics as well. It also has the best graphics, but runs at a lower frame rate than 4U. 4U should be cheaper.

I’d probably slant towards getting the latest game.

This is true, the game is massive and you need to invest a good bunch of hours to start understanding how it all fits together. But I love this about it. :)

Play through all the tutorials, try out the different weapons (probably sword/shield first). Don’t go in expecting a hack and slash as the combat is slow and methodical, not a button masher. Some people dislike this but again it’s an aspect I love.

I don’t think this is really a concern for a new player looking to be introduced to MH… :P

Also, do you think that’s due to us getting this latest game early? The previous games we got the ‘G’ version, but not this one. Maybe we’ll also get ‘XX’ when it releases in Japan.

I agree, but for beginners, it’s also got the relative lack of content in general that comes with all first versions of Monster Hunter. (So yes, it’s specifically because of what you asked in your edit.)

Besides, if our beginner ends up liking MH, it’ll definitely be better to have more varied content at all points than hit a wall of “welp, nothing left to do but grind a handful of bosses that aren’t even reasonable to try to fight without a competent premade four-player party.”

Okay so MH4U sounds like the better proposition. It would be cheaper too. :)

Thanks, everyone!


If I like it than i will spring for the addon. Amazing what peripherals one can find for a smaller device.

Money will probably dictate what I get.

Generations is better if you have already played a monster hunter before. It has old maps and old monsters which don’t really hold up that well sometimes. And it is a “best of” from the series so there isn’t much a story and it might be a little confusing I guess?

That being said, I enjoyed Generations a LOT more because of the styles and the arts. couldn’t imagine going back now. I also wouldn’t worry about “endgame” content: if you are a new player it will take you at least a hundred of hours to really run out of things to do, and you will hit a difficulty wall long before that.

Is there any idea when the New XL is going to be back in stock anywhere? Amazon has always sorta/kinda/not really had the 3ds in stock from time to time but hasn’t since before Christmas. And non of the big box store around have had any either. Even for shipping, except for Walmart who’s selling it thru some reseller for $300…um…hell, no.

I think the best option at this point is to get a refurbished one from Nintendo.

For the record I don’t recommend this. Not because I have any specific experiences Nintendo refurbs, but because refurbished electronics almost never end up saving you money. Quite the opposite, often. If you are willing to spend $180 plus shipping (presumably) on worse than used, but a literally previously non-working device then save up a little more for the price of a new one ($70 more).

I’ve purchased two refurb Wii U and my sister purchased a refurb 3DS through Nintendo and they all looked brand new and came with the same warranty as a new system. No issues with any of them and in general Nintendo’s refurbs are given high praise. That said, those were all a much better deal than the New 3DS refurbs, so if you’re not in a rush I’d wait and see if new stock starts showing up again.

Thanks for the advise. Actually stumbled on a single 2DS in Target today. But even though it’s a good deal ($79) and I haven’t seen even those since before Christmas, I decided to wait til I can track down a New 3ds XL. The tinier screen on the 2ds means I’d have to use my reading glasses :( . And its just not worth dealing with that at this point.