Red Dead Redemption 2 - For a Few Redemptions More

If you get Chlamydia from a camp follower you’ll slowly go blind over the course of the game.

The only cure is systemic mercury treatments which while make good use of the tooth tracker™.

So, SCUM is the long-awaited Dwarf Fortress FPS? :)

Can you gain efficiencies by pooping and eating at the same time in Dwarf Fortress? Then Yes!

If I could upvote.

Regarding the option of turning the mini-map off and having more in-game dialog added that directs players with real directions, here is an update on that.

tl;dr - the magazine this comes from is another language and initial translations made it seem like that might not be how it works, but then more translations seem to make it clear that IS how it works after all. The magazine itself is full of typos and not very professional, so it all comes back to - no one is fully sure, so assume nothing and avoid disappointment.

If only they could work in a Rock Band mini game for campfire guitar strumming!

Nothing wrong with feeling like a freak.

I don’t know, I didn’t like getting people’s hackles up every time I posted something positive in that thread. It’s as if I was trolling people. I didn’t like that feeling. Each of my posts would generate like a dozen angry responses. It didn’t feel good.

Now my hackles are up because you missed my pun! ;)

Dude, I can’t find a polite response for this so I’m just going to tell you that is nuts. I come to this forum to find out about cool new stuff and much of the time I am well accommodated by folks who hang out here. But I can’t stand the kind of groupthink that accumulates once negative opinions start forming. Andromeda is a great example, if I listened to the internet I probably wouldn’t have played that game which would have been a massive shame. I’d probably think the platforming in Psychonauts sucks and the Library level is no fun, either. Nothing wrong with throwing a dissenting opinion out there, especially if it’s a positive one.

It took me a while even now. I finally got it! :)

Was the Andromeda debate worse than Star Wars?

It’s hard to compare. I’d say check out the thread, but to be honest it’s a slog. I guess they were similar in that in both cases, people had a certain set of expectations they felt weren’t being met, and it turned them off. In both cases, I found things to appreciate that counterbalanced any deficiencies. If you want to call me a glass half full kind of guy well, I’ve been called worse.

Well, that’s one of the many reasons why I enjoy your company. Don’t get me wrong; we can geek-debate til the cows come home, but ultimately, I don’t feel mortally wounded that someone might, just might, gain enjoyment from something that I do not. And neither do you. And those are the threads I stay away from. The “Zero-sum game” threads.

Nothing was worse than the undeserved beating The Last Jedi took.

Yessir. Zero-sum threads…

Just some friendly gun animations.

Those are crazy smooth and well animated.