Red Dead Redemption 2 - For a Few Redemptions More

There are still some stranger missions, probably.

Film Crit Hulk published a ridiculously massive post-mortem of the game in Polygon. It (like most of FCH’s stuff) is worth a read (and it’s not all caps!)

I know (or think I know) some broad strokes of how Arthur’s narrative concludes, but I’m still in probably the first half of the game.

How deep does that get into narrative discussions/spoilers?

Very. Don’t read it if you don’t want spoilers.

The article reaches some strange conclusion. Dude mentions he set up a twitter poll to see how far along people were at three weeks after release, then talks about 74% of respondents still being in the first half of the game as if that’s a problem. Not everyone races through games, “Hulk”.

I know some of the spoilers, but not all, so I won’t read it. I did want to say I am going very slowly not just due to time committed but because I am kind of not liking the whole rail approach to the story in general. Yes, I know they have chosen to tell a story. It just displeases me I have zero control over it, like at all. What happens, happens. I have’t played a game that narrow, narrative, in a long time… but I still like it. I will finish it.

Amen to that. I even stopped primarily because I was finding myself starting to race through and just do story missions, and I didn’t want that. So I put the game on hold for a while. When I get back to it, I’ll hopefully do so when I’m in the mood for being in the world again, not just for the story.

Well, the article is 26,000 words long. He makes a few other points besides this one.

Oh my god did he make a few other points. But I’ll never see them because my eyes rolled back in my head and I passed out before I got halfway through the article. Hulk needs an editor.

Was that the same guy whose articles normally are in all capital letters? I wonder if Polygon forced him to not do that this time.

He actually stopped doing it completely a while ago, citing some introspection related to the mental issues he briefly mentions in this article. I liked the shtick personally, but I get how it can turn people off.

Also, this article is great, as are all of his others. Worth the half-hour read. I loved his point about asking “Why?”.

Good read. Certainly some problems there (for example, he said the mission where Arthur contracts TB was optional - it’s not. It may look optional, but you have to finish it before you do can do other story missions). But overall, I still go back to what I said about the game. RDR2 is a better world, but RDR was a far better game.

Dude, I would spoiler tag that. Not everyone has finished the game.

Eh, I think it’s vague enough that it’s not a big deal, myself.

I think of myself as pretty damned spoiler insensitive but that looks like a pretty big one to me. But ok, I guess as long as the people who are still working their way through the game don’t think it’s a big deal, who am I to judge.

Yes, please spoiler tag this.

Rolls eyes.


OK great, just so long as we’re all grownups about it.

I guess I thought that that fact about Arthur’s fate was general knowledge by now.

That’s why I rolled my eyes. It’s like saying I can’t discuss what happens at the end of Infinity War, despite the fact it’s been covered pretty much everywhere at this point.

I spoilered it anyway. Just didn’t think it was needed at this point.