Red Dead Redemption 2 - For a Few Redemptions More

No idea, but looking on Google other games have needed it, and the space is restored after installation. It may be something like how Warhammer 2 needs to eat up a bunch of your drive space to update, or something.

It’s interesting that now it looks like the XBO requires almost 10 more GB of drive space than the PS4. So strange how back and forth the space requirements have been.

Random internet guy had this to say:

He has a cowboy hat in his avatar so I trust him.

Yep, the game comes out friday and I planned to take the week after off work…if I could play only on tuesday that would have been annoying.

But maybe a local store will have it in stock, I might go check it out, sell them some of my older games that I don’t intend to replay (God of War, Until Dawn…) and exchange the credit for RDR2. And if they don’t have it, digital version it is. Although I really really prefer physical, because I want to be able to sell this toaster version and get the inevitable PC one :)

Normally, I succumb to my FOMO when things like this come out, and all of my friends (i.e., you guys) are playing it and talking about it.

But I think I can hold out for the PC version this time. I think I can do it.

It would be easier to hold out for a PC version if we know for sure it was coming. Right now we don’t, and I don’t want to skip this one at launch. Given all footage looks amazing, and is footage from the console versions, I don’t see a point to wait on it, myself. After all, I don’t have HDR on my PC (yet) if nothing else. I’d be using a controller to play it even on PC, the only thing I gain from PC is increased load times (a big deal, don’t get me wrong) and better visuals (likely draw distance and AA). Not small things, but not worth waiting… a year? Two years?

Huh. My google-fu is failing me here, and not owning either I can only recklessly guess that on the PS4 you download the entire installer, and then run it, vs downloading a small installer on the Xbox that runs and downloads and installs other assets itself.

There is also the whole “play as you download” thing.

That’s why I wear one.

You mean your avatar wears one.

Wait, are you wearing a cowboy hat right now!?

Don’t ask questions unless you really want the answers.

Some new testimonials about crunch at Rockstar:

60fps! Is for me the greatest advantage of PC version. It makes all gameplay vastly more enjoyable.

But I am too excited and stable 30 is still playable, so…60 will be reserved for a second playthrough.

Good post. Lets a lot of air out of the 100 hour balloon.

I don’t know. I’m sure the higher ups at Rockstar are being sincere, but if my boss told us we could go on social media and say whatever we want about the company, I’m going to assume there’s an implicit “not really if it’s mostly negative” rule.

The really negative comment in that article comes from an anonymous employee, which is how I’d expect that to work.

Me as well. Though if I can play at 1080p on the PS4 pro and get 60fps, I’ll do that over playing 4K. I don’t know if there is any info on that though.

Still the 100-hour Norma Rae “woke” gaming journo/SM freakout…a bit…out of proportion.

I am with you on this. This is why I own a console in the first place, really.

Sure, I’m not saying otherwise. I just don’t put much stock in current employees going on the public record to say good things about their company. Like, d’uh. What else are they gonna do?

I agree. They of course have a vested interest. But what else are they gonna do. They kind of got knee-capped by fate. Just pre-release too.

Hmmm…where were Ubisoft or EA on the night of the murder? :)


There are other reasons why I’m more okay waiting than usual – I simply don’t have as much time as I’d like, and I’ve come to accept that, so watching these releases pass me by is less painful than it used to be. I’m not taking some kind of noble “PC is king” stance here (although I do love my high resomolutions and framerates).

That said, Rockstar announced the PC version of GTA V nine months after it released on consoles. I don’t know what their numbers are on consoles, but GTA V has basically never left the top 10 played games on Steam since release, and it’s a recurring best seller every time it’s on sale. Rockstar’s not leaving that money on the table. If RDR 2 isn’t announced for PC in the next 12 months, I’ll eat an article of clothing.