Red Dead Redemption 2 - For a Few Redemptions More

Thanks man. I’ll look again tonight.

Comment in Take-Two’s fiscal report:

Red Dead Redemption 2 sold-in more units in its first 8 days than the original blockbuster Red Dead Redemption sold in its first 8 years and, as of today, the title has sold-in over 17 million units worldwide.

Countless hours in (several per day since it came along)…eventually I reached that ‘okay let’s do story’ point. I’m on Chapter 6 and it says I’m 70% through.


I love my daily routine in this game. I get up, have some coffee and then some stew. I shave if I need to. I cut some wood. I change out of brawler’s outfit which looks like pajamas to me, which is why I use them to sleep in. Then I set about my task for the day, whether that’s a mission or hunting, or something else. Then I get back to camp, usually when it’s close to dark or fully dark, and I hob nob for a bit if someone wants to talk, I turn in anything that I need to turn in, and I change to my brawler’s outfit and go to sleep for the night.

I’ve been playing 2-3 hours a day since this came out and I’m only just wrapping up chapter 3. This fucking game.

Yeah, I always start my day with coffee, just like real life! And then when I go out and hunt or get ambushed or do some other activity that uses deadeye, I come back and drink more coffee. And maybe a cigarette. I’m amazed my Arthur doesn’t have the shakes something awful.

I’ve been doing like 8, I think I’m done for today though, it’s too much binging.

I swear mine does. During many fights I’ll drop some snake oil or whatever, trying to quickly restore my deadeye, and then my aim is drifting all over the place. I think that’s by design?

I don’t think I’ve ever seen this happen? Don’t recall my Arthur dropping anything at least. I do see him sort of stop and steady himself sometimes when he gets off his horse, like he’s dizzy or something. Low blood sugar maybe.

Yea but he paid for my new pump shotgun as a gift when I ran into him in Valentine after the help.

Does anyone know how to bring up the ‘log’? I got a tip from some dude I shot some chains off of, and it was actually the second time that happened (forgot about the first). They’re both tips for home robberies, but I was in the middle of something else, and now I can’t figure out how to get back at that list.

I think it’s tap left on the D-pad.

I still enter shops/saloons like this.

I agree , but take into consideration that Rockstar had 8 years more experience under their belt by the time they put Arthur in our hands.
FYI they have spoilers mentioned, and they flag a big warning text message before they mention them.

Arthur Morgan is one of the best video game protagonists, period.

Assuming you mean the stuff unlocked by challenges, yes, there are advantages you get from each piece of gear. They’re minor, but they’re advantages nonetheless.


He is not. There were plenty of characters Rockstar could have chosen to be the protagonist in the prequel. Landon Ricketts, for example, is a famous gunfighter. There were other ancillary gang members. Or even Dutch himself. I imagine they considered all these options, but to tell the story they wanted to tell, Rockstar had to invent Arthur.


I think if (let’s be honest…when) I play a 2nd time, I’m gonna just stay in Chapter 2 forever.

I dawdled a lot in chapter two (and I actually restarted the game when I was originally in chapter 2, so I went through it twice), but I am in chapter 3 now, and have been enjoying it so far. Still doing a lot of dawdling.

Just going to drop this here, let the rage begin:

Edit: I believe he got reinstated.