Red Dead Redemption 2 - For a Few Redemptions More

You don’t want to turn HDR off on your TV, just from the game’s display menu.

On Xbox you have to use the console’s settings.

What? That’s kind of backwards. So you have to remember to turn it back on for the next game you play with HDR?

I don’t yet have a 4K TV, though I plan to ask Santa for one. But just out of curiosity, why do you want to turn off HDR?

Yep, for the time being. PS4 Pro has the toggle in the game, but Xbox doesn’t.

More info in previous posts, but RDR 2 bungled up HDR implementation badly. Looks worse on than off.

Well, I got a new pistol after winning a duel. This thing burns through ammo, though. My Arthur has not been trained on fire discipline.

Because RDR2 has a half-arsed HDR implementation on all platforms, and it looks significantly better with it off.

Has anyone figured out the instructions for the duel yet?

It says to slowly press the trigger, but you have to do the opposite, right? Every time I slowly press the trigger, the circle fills slowly all the way, and then the guy kills me instantly. Every time. But if I quickly press it, I have some time to aim and shoot the guy right?

So the tutorial instructions are the opposite of how they should be, correct?

Slowly pulling the trigger gives you more deadeye, more time to aim, but you still need to draw faster than the other guy or you’re dead.

It’s a duel. You’re gambling on how much trigger squeeze time you can afford to build up before your opponent ganks you.

Interesting. So deadeye does what? Slows the world down, right? But not much? At least, in my game deadeye doesn’t seem all that useful.

Maybe I shouldn’t be playing on those settings that @lordkosc posted upthread where I’m manually aiming at everything. It always makes me wonder if I’m missing out on a mechanic that they didn’t anticipate.

Keep the settings I posted above, but turn on aim assist again, I’ve found it a good mix (especially when having to shoot behind you on horseback) .

Use dead eye to slow down time, then mark your target where you want to shoot them, then turn off dead eye.

Woah. How do you do this? Is that a button press to mark the target, or is it supposed to be automatic somehow?

Aim Assist is great - lock on and then flick the left stick up real quick to get more reliable head shots.

Deadeye slows down time, but at the start of the game that’s all it does, and you have to drag the cursor over the targets to mark them, then get out of dead eye to shoot at the marked targets. You’ll find this is trickier with slower firing weapons, which are like all of them at the start of the game.

By chapter 2 you’ll have double-action revolvers in each hand and manually be able to mark targets, and it will feel a lot better and you’ll use it all the time.

Maybe it improves as dead eye level goes up? I am level 8 on the dead eye meter thing.

I click the activate button , mark my shots, pop out of dead eye and watch them get fired off. As Scott mentioned it makes getting headshots too easy. ;)

Yeah, each level adds more to the segment around the core, and the longer that is the longer you have to aim.

I thought you could only pick up one revolver/gun at a time? For example, on Friday I did a mission where I was looking for a guy on a train. After chasing him on the roof of the train, I killed him and he had like a german type of pistol, so I dropped my revolver and picked up his gun. I figure it’s got to be better than a revolver.

How do you pick up a second gun? The only option it presented was for me to swap it with the one on the ground.

You get an off-hand holster in an early mission you probably haven’t done yet, gives you access to dual wielding.

Also, just the act of picking up that pistol should mark it as “earned” and you can cycle to it or the one you dropped for it from your horse now, is how it seems to work. I “picked up” every special gun i could find and while I always use my customized, engraved double-action revolvers, I can now cycle between all the unique ones I held for just a few seconds.

I was under the impression any gun you pick up, gets stored on the horse.

I still prefer the Schofield and sawed off Shotgun combo for the ones that like to rush you.

Also the tomahawk is a 1 hit kill, or at least it has been for me.