Red Dead Redemption 2 - For a Few Redemptions More

I wish I’d known that at the time. The pistol I picked up had no ammo. So I had to run around without a useable gun for a while. It was scary.

But can you put one of the same gun in both holsters? Like two Schofields, for instance? I have one and just put a different gun in the offhand.

You have to own a second copy of the gun, RDR 2 doesn’t spawn additional copies for you. So when I wanted two double-action revolvers, I bought and customized both.

Guessing you have to actually pick up the second gun from an encounter? Because gun stores won’t let me buy another.

I bought my second gun from gunstores, so I’m not sure what that might be all about? I never found a second gun, I’ve always purchased the second one (well, that was twice - once with a schofield and once with a double-action).

I dunno, gun stores all say “sold out” for guns I already own.

Even for one handed weapons? Usually they just say “owned” but let me buy them again.

You can also buy an off-hand holster from the trapper whenever you find him, even before that mission.

Oh yeah, when I found Black Belle down south, I accidentally went through this giant city called St. Denis, and I think the Trapper lives down there. He has shown up in my map since then, and he’s always in the Southeast corner of St. Denis on my map.

Of course, this was on my big trip. As I mentioned upthread, when I got home, someone at the camp had stolen my Legendary Bear Hide already. But at least I know where the trapper is now in case I ever kill another Legendary animal.

At least twice, I’ve accidentally hit O instead of triangle, and punched my horse, who immediately kicks me in the face and runs away.

There should be more than one trapper - on my map currently, I’ve got one waaaay out west, near where I bagged the legendary buck, and then one further northeast near where the legendary grizzly was, and then the one you noted in Saint Denis. Handily enough, that last one has a fence near him, so you can craft those trinkets and such after you land a legendary.

Thanks for the info on HDR, sucks that I have to turn it off on the console but oh well – I had been searching for it all over the in-game menus to no avail.

Heh, that big work horse that you eventually take to the stables in Valentine gave me a good kick before all that for “reasons.” At least in your case it was provoked. :-/
And somehow when I did that mission the outfits I had stored in my saddle went away and my Arthur was cold and miserable in a rainstorm because l couldn’t change clothes.
BTW, is hunting reserved to the areas on the map where there are animal icons?

You can hunt anywhere you see animals, what do you mean?

I was wondering, because at one point I saw a bunch of deer but when I used eagle eye where they had just been there was no trace.

Ah, well there are aspects of GTAisms in the way that creatures appear.

Often, if you aren’t actively tracking a creature, and look away from it, it’ll just despawn. The game really only worries about keeping stuff in front of you, to preserve processing power.

It’s similar to how GTA handled cars and other random civilians.

I’m not sure, but I think hides you leave in camp are stored somewhere, in the corner near the horses? So perhaps it wasn’t stolen, just tidied away?

You should definitely hunt more legendary animals. The trinkets and talisman’s you get are the main reason in my opinion. Chose craft at a fence and see what you are missing out on, there’s a fence right near the trapper in St. Denis.

I’m a few missions deep into Chapter 6 now, played quite a bit over the weekend (no cable, no internet since last Wednesday will give a guy a lot of time to catch up on reading, comics, and recorded TV let alone an offline game like RDR 2). So good. I’ve done so many crazy follow up stranger quests and line up with previous quests and are just so well written. I wonder how much of my characters reaction and the reaction around me is tied to my maxed out Honor. It feels like quite a bit. Makes me want to try a dark/no honor run.

Do you unlock climbing equipment later in the game?

A stranger gave me the first part of a treasure map, but when I went to the spot indicated by the map, I can’t climb up there. So I was thinking maybe later in the game, Arthur gets some climbing equipment, or maybe he gains the ability to stand on his horse, which are the only two ways I can think of to climb up to the spot indicated by the map.