Red Steel

Actually for whatever reason, the marines’ AI felt better in HL than the facist force of HL2. It technically could be less advanced, but that’s my impression after playing both back to back recently.

They really dropped the ball when they changed the format. The Black Mesa event was just classic and the idea to have the expansion’s relive the event through others set of eyes was genius. Unfortunately HL2 doesn’t have same kind of central catalyst that everything revolves around. That made HL2 feel a lot less dramatic.

Honestly, they should remake HL entirely and then include HL: Clean Sweep where you play a Black Mesa janitor trying to survive the meltdown with a trusty mop and bucket as his only companions.

Here is all that minus the mop. I for one can’t wait!

It’s really unfortunate - circa E3, this game was what had me the most excited for the Wii. I realized all the ad/demo videos were sowing the guy’s movement and THEN screen movement to try and trick me into thinking the controls were more responsive, but I was still nowhere near ready for the disappointment I felt when I actually played the game.

Part of me wonders how much if this was just to get the game rushed out for Wiilaunch, and how much of it was just the difficulty in setting up a great FPS with the wiimote.

Has anyone played the few other FPSs on the Wii? I haven’t. How do they match up?

The only FPS’s right now are crappy ports by Ubisoft, and Red Steel. I’m sure Metroid Prime will do the system justice.

Honestly, I might buy a Wii for this game, and then I’ll play the other Primes as well. I know a lot of people bitch about the back tracking in them, but I love the concept of the first person sci-fi adventure.

I’m looking forward to it purely to experience the jaw dropping door-opening mechanic that had everyone floored last E3.

That looks awesome! Thanks for the link.

O irony!

I think it has to do with the game being rushed, I remember playing it and the aiming cursor would spaz out of control randomly alot. Also some of the level design was horrid, snipers in huge rooms that are hard to distinguish between the background is a bad idea.

While I was away on vacation, I stopped in an arcade and played this game that could really work on the Wii. It’s a gun game, instead of fighting waves of enemies, its set up for one on one shootouts with the comp. By holding the gun up to the screen the guy peeks out to fire, aim it away to duck . You can run for more cover, shoot objects to cause area damage. I’m not sure of the name but I think it was made by sega.

The glitchy cursor was the biggest problem with the game by far. However there seems to be a workaround of setting the remote speaker’s volume to zero. I never confirmed this.

I tried this game on my friend’s Wii, and it was god-awful. The graphics were reasonable, the storyline seemed interesting… but it was the aiming and movement that did it for me. I was all over the place, and had to put two or three pistol clips into killing each bad-guy (and that was normally by accident). I would have thought a game like this would make FPS games much more fun, faster reactions and all (pushing an analogue stick up, compared to moving your wrist slightly to re-aim), and merge the whole FPS and “gun shooter” games together into one unique package. Instead it made me angry and bitter. I really hope the new Metroid works well.

two or three pistol clips per enemy? Did we play the same game? If anything I think the game is too easy because it’s too easy to rapidly headshot everyone in the room.

I wouldn’t count out all FPSes on the Wii because of Red Steel. It definitely has the worst controls of the ones I’ve played. I thought CoD3 and Farcry had much better controls, though Farcry was just terrible in every other way. Red Steel feels like you’re moving in molasses, the others were much much more responsive and precise.