
Ever heard of Photoshop?


Y’know, at least it took people of the caliber of Caesar, Octavian, and Pompey to bring the Roman Republic to its knees.

Literally the I’m Rubber, You’re Glue defense.

So he’s describing the entire Trump administration.

“Hegel remarks somewhere that all great world-historic facts and personages appear, so to speak, twice. He forgot to add: the first time as tragedy, the second time as farce.” - Karl Marx

Doesn’t that undercut the entire premise of the memo, that the political backing wasn’t disclosed?

It would seem to…


There are so many contradictions in the right-wing freak out over this memo that I don’t think anyone knows what anything means anymore.

It’s manufactured controversy and it has been from the beginning. And it’s working great with the GOP voters, as usual.

Benghazi, her emails, the government is coming for your guns, Whitewater, the birth certificate, etc

The last time I asked my conservative friend how many guns Obama took from people he hung up on me.

There’s another famous quote that covers Nunes’s strategy:

“If you can’t dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bullshit.”

Tomorrow we’ll be talking about Nunes’s State Department bullshit memo, Wednesday his CIA bullshit memo, etc. etc. The goal is to get us talking about the bullshit, not the massive mountain of very real evidence that the Trump administration is crawling with criminals, spies, traitors, etc. etc.

But no matter what we talk about, Mueller is not interested. He’s got his job to do. No smoke screens bothering him.

The Trump-supporters’ argument, for reference:

Why is that happening? And unanimously, meaning including Nunes? Why would he vote in favor of that? What do the republicans get out of this?

I do not believe for one second that Republicans would do or even say a thing if Trump had Mueller and everyone involved fired. He could probably even throw them all in jail with only token republican outcry.

In response to misguided, the House GOPers are willing to break norms like tissue paper when they can get away with it, but refusing to release the Dem memo given the hullabaloo over their memo would be a degree of unfairness obvious on a Kindergarten playground. It would almost certainly create some large scale negative coverage and would be a huge setup for attack ads this fall.

The public is so easy to mislead on many issues, but the core issue of “I get to tell my side” is such a cornerstone of fundamental fairness in a functioning society that even the House GOP is unwilling to shatter it.

Edit: what I mean is the House GOP is unwilling to face the political consequences of shattering this particular norm b/c it would make them look really bad even to weakly aligned low information voters.

And I’ll add that the memo goes through the White House before it’s actually released, which can make redactions at whim. So no risk for the committee Republicans.

Especially as it appears as if the White House had direct input on the memo.