
You should start #myconservativefriend. Could be a good source of lulz.

They didn’t care last week.

Thing is, I have conservative friends and ‘conservative’ friends. This particular guy is in the second set. I guess they are more ‘Trumpet friends’. As opposed to real conservative friends who are willing to have reasonable debates and can honestly agree to disagree when thing get heated.

What consequences?

It’d be like making up bullshit excuses about approving a Supreme Court nomination and stalling long enough to allow your candidate to make one instead - the political consequences of that would be devastating, to say the least.

It still astonishes me that they got away with the Supreme Court Delay Seat Steal. In terms of the current memo-fu, the real issue is not whether or not there really are political consequences, but rather, do the Republicans fear there will be?

I’m not sure what else would motivate the House Intel GOP folks to vote for releasing the Dem memo. They certainly didn’t do it out of civility, fairness or the goodness of their hearts.

You’d think there’d have to be something in between stooping to their level and doing nothing. (And I count waiting for midterms as doing nothing)

My guess is that they figure Trump will just say no. Which he probably will. HOW THE FUCK IS HE THE PRESIDENT?! Arghghgh…don’t you just want to shout that sometimes?

And then Ryan doesn’t let it go to the floor for a vote. True. But then, I bet he thinks this memo completely vindicates him too and that the fake news will have to eat their own hats because the dems wrote it.

Pretty much find myself saying that every day (or shouting it at my radio if I’m alone).

Democratic politicians caving never surprises me.

Every day my friend. Every fucking day. Reality is twisted and burned like a branch after a flaming shit fuck wind in a rainless California yard. We are no longer the people of the living state. We are the onlookers that can watch the burning twisted wreck of a ten car pile up from a sort of safe distance. Maybe the flying shards of the wreck may miss us. Maybe they tear our heads off. At this distance, we look and nod and clutch our pearls. And we say, “Honey. That looks bad. Are we too close?” And then we realize that the huge truck behind us has locked its brakes. And that screaming sound is half way the tires laying molten rubber on the tarmac. And the rest of the screaming is you and me. The realization that nobody and nothing is safe. And how long before we feel the pain?

Can you squeeze this down to a campaign poster for 2018? I think it accurately encapsulates this Presidency.

How about “The Trump Presidency is Like a Dumpster Fire on the Interstate” complete with images conjured by RichVR’s text.

Like this?

I’ve always kind of liked “Now, we are all sons of bitches”.

Sorry, I’ll give you that Dem politicians have caved on a number of occasions, but how on Earth is it anyone’s but that motherfucker Mitch McConnell’s fault that Garland never got a hearing?

Yeah, but what did the dems do but go all Wonka “no, stop, don’t”?

It wasn’t caving but rather complacency that was the issue in 2017. Most Dems expected Hilary to win and thus all that McConnell could accomplish was a delay. That was tactically unsound in hindsight, but it was also based on the reality that the few things the Dems could do (like shut down the Senate entirely) had a lot of downsides.

Hindsight is 20/20.

My conservative friend has always been conservative, but he used to be fairly normal. In the last 4-5 years, he’s gone full on Obama hating, Benghazi, the emails, etc. nutty (as far as I’m concerned - he obviously doesn’t think so).

But he is my friend, and he is otherwise intelligent and thoughtful (and very loyal and kind). I refuse to surrender him - much like Darth Vader, I know there is good in him still. ;-)