Rep. Gary Ackerman vs the SEC

I know it’s an easy target, but there’s something really satisfying about watching this:

“He led you to this pile of dung that this Bernie Madoff was and stuck your nose in it and you couldn’t figure it out. You couldn’t find your backside with two hands with the lights on… You people are completely inept.”.

"Your value to us is useless. Your value to the American people is worthless. Your contribution to this proceeding is zero.

Someone needs to splice him with Chrtistian Bale.

Bad link. Here is the right one:

That’s some serious tap dancing the general counsel was doing.

That was a beautiful thing. Awesome.

Wow. That was quite the dressing down.

The full Markopolos testimony

The role of the SEC in the Madoff affair is absolutely shocking. They need to be closed down completely, and a new regulator created. The have no value whatsover. As an industry insider I still can’t quite believe how useless they were.

This fully restored 1% of my faith in America. Up from 0%.

It’s about time somebody held their feet to the fire.