Reptilian shapeshifters

Conspiracy Skeptic Podcast (somewhat irregular)

Skeptoid (regular, but not always about a conspiracy theory)

Skeptic’s Guide to the Universe (also regular, even less likely to hit conspiracy theories - more about science news and various hooting idiots, generally in the realm of life science)

Bullshit! (coming back for an eighth season on Showtime this summer - I find it terrific, but Penn and Teller are extreme libertarians, if that bothers you)

I am entirely too interested in this crap.

Penn and Teller’s show should be called “Strawman!”. It’s not their libertarian points of view, it’s the reality distortion field they have wrapped around their show. It’s like most of Michael Moore’s work - there is a bit of truth to what they are talking about, but they decide they need to sex it up a bit, and push past facts and into the realm of, well, bullshit. If they could just present the facts without the crap, they could still make a compelling argument for whatever side they are presenting, but they feel the need to go over the top.

To remain slightly on topic: I’d never heard of the shapeshifters conspiracy either. All of the “evidence” looked a lot like compression artifacts from video encoding.

Look at 0:21 seconds to see the “second reptile eyelid” when he blinks.

If I were an evil reptilian shapeshifter, that’s exactly what I’d want you to think.

Damn, there are reptilians on QT3 even!

It’s hilarious that people think V from 20+ years ago is somehow real.

Also, i vote to stake espressojim! When i asked him to smell my sandwich, he stuck out his tongue. Coincidence?

I don’t see it, but I see weird stuff around 38-40.

OMG They know I know! What should I do, what should I do!!

Reasonable youtube explanation

What you are witnessing is the signal from a digital signal. Your television service provider, (be it Comcast, WOW, Directv, etc) is using a digital signal to your TV. When an object moves fast on screen while other parts are still, it will sometimes seem to drag or have lag time. This is normal when using today’s digital cameras or TV’s.


please visit the “reptilians, mason and the new world order” category at… awakenvideo (dot) org. There you will find dozens of examples of these serpents recorded by dozens of individuals who can see this quite clearly.

Literally dozens of people will agree on some crazy ass mojo? I’m sold, lets wack these mother lovers.

I vaguely recall reading something that said that the internet basically killed a lot of conspiracy theorists (particularly the UFO kind), since a lot of their premise was that the truth would be revealed if they could just get all the information together in one place and make sense of it. Well, with the internet, it’s easy to get all sorts of information together in one place, and they when they did they discovered…nothing. All the data together made no sense at all, so they lost a lot of the borderline people, the kidns who’d say something like “well, I think the government is hiding something, but I’m not sure what…” and only the real core loonies are left.

You might be surprised. I believe the internet just transmorphed it all. Now, they watch Loose Change or Zeitgeist on YouTube and believe the same damn conspiracy theories. For every Erich von Daniken that has been crushed into the dust (though the History Channel series now has me thinking that he’s not as gone as I had hoped), we’ve created a new Waco theorist.

Do YOU think that all thinking reptiles went extinct 65 million years ago? Come on.

Next you’re going to tell me we didn’t find Atlantean lasers at the bottom of the Bermuda Triangle or something. You think a bunch of mud digging Egyptians built the pyramids? Come on man, think! I guess they made those Nazca lines because they were bored. Oh, man, you just don’t get it.

Actually, I think neocons are proof of alien life. Or alien thought, anyway. I think their talking points are beamed into their brain-microchips by some distant mothership. There’s no way neocons are fully human.

Also this colloidal gold i’ve been taking every day has really helped with my pre-existing medical condition(s). That’s also why i wear a copper health bracelet on each wrist. Medical “science” doesn’t want us to know about the health benefits of crushed gemstones; because they’re a cartel. Run by lizards.

I was about to say, didn’t Rowdy Piper force everyone to put the glasses on.

Dude… he has folds of skin over his eyes that move when he blinks. That’s not being reptilian; that’s just being old.

Don’t forget to google Phil Schneider! He fought the Nords down in the Dulce base/concentration camp under DIA! And the Philadelphia Experiment! Don’t forget that! And that both George Bush and Bill Clinton are reptilians who rape mind controlled sex slaves with their other elite Skull and Bones/Bilderburger buds at the Bohemian Grove! It’s true! GHWB was the head of the CIA, you know! Plus the oil money. And they went to Egypt, to the Pyramid, to worship the sun on the turn of the millennium! Along with their other snake friends (the whole royal family and all their Rothschild chums…)

Yeah that video was hilarious. All of this drama… over low quality video distortion? Wow.

Then why is he holding lizard eggs in his lap, huh? You’re one of those… species traitors!


The dinosaurs didn’t die out. They just became elderly people.

Damn, that would explain an awful lot about my HOA…

I assure you, there is no truth to this rumor. Please carry on with whatever it was you were doing as if this never happened.