Republic of Rome forum game

We need someone to get the money. Not sure who is the best candidate.

I’m gonna vote yes, so please take note of my magnanimity the next time fate kicks me in the fasces.

I’ll see about swinging something your way.

Me, too. It may be academic with these unfightable wars.

Sure @Panzeh take some money next turn.


We vote no

The proposal passes.

Next, I’m inclined to build some fleets. We can’t fight this year, but maybe if we build some this year and more next, we can fight.

I don’t want to make a proposal without hearing from all of you good Senators. So, please tell me what you think on that matter.

@Panzeh @CraigM @Kolbex @Juan_Raigada

I particularly want to hear from Juan on this. Without some kind of deal to mitigate the financial advantage he gets from building fleets, Rome will likely fall. So, there’s that.

Edit: I mean, our alternatives are either a 30 strength naval battle, or a 40-strength land battle. The former requires 20 fleets plus our two strongest leaders, and the latter requires 20 standard legions, 5 veteran ones, and our two strongest leaders. Which one do we want to fight?

Right. Thanks for your input.

I propose we raise 6 legions.

Why? It’s cheaper to raise the legions we need to fight the second Punic War than it is to raise the fleets we need for the first PW. Ideally, next year’s consuls will name Scipio Africanus Dictator and we can get on with the war.

New Men vote Yes

@Panzeh @CraigM @Kolbex @Juan_Raigada please vote in any order.

I’m wondering if the interest in this game has waned to the point where we should give up, or whether people want to play on and have just been really busy / otherwise preoccupied lately.

I’m happy to play it to a conclusion or call it here.

More generally, I like the game and would definitely play it again, perhaps with a bit more wisdom now that I have a better sense of it.

And whatever we do, thanks a bunch to @rho21 for moderating the game!

I’m fine continuing. I think we may have painted ourselves a bit into a corner, though. I vote yes on the fleets. What choice, really, do we have?

Legions, not fleets.

Thank you, slip of the tongue.

Fleets on the brain for some reason, can’t imagine why.

We vote yes

I also vote yes.

Paging @Panzeh for a vote.

Vote yes.

The measure passes.

Once again I would like to test the sense of the Senate on the question of cooperation in the face of multple wars. I suggest an agreement along the following lines:

  • Each faction may retain 5 talents for attracting neutral Senators / Knights next round, but all other proceeds are to be donated to the state.
  • Each faction agrees not to attempt to poach other faction Senators next round.
  • Each faction agrees to allow @Panzeh first choice in attracting non-aligned Senators in the Forum.
  • Each faction agrees not to prosecute or to support any prosecutions next round.
  • Each faction agrees that they will not attempt personal victory next round.

These are general principles intended to forge a united Senate. Of course we can adjust them now if you have better suggestions. I would agree to these or something like them if all other factions agree.

What say you all? @Panzeh @CraigM @Kolbex @Juan_Raigada

Yeah, no deals.

Not even a simple no-poaching deal?