Return of the Jack Bauer Power Hour

Man, I’m hoping he gets a wise ass 10 year old kid as a sidekick!

I also have two words for the writers that will ensure success:

spit takes.


We need more time.

Where’s the bomb?

Sometimes you have to nuke downtown LA just to motivate Jack.

Set up a perimeter.

Time to change my ring tone. Brrrrp-brrrrp-booop.

Subtext: America is weak. America is in peril. The threats to America are everywhere. Moscow. Pyongyang. Seattle. The Constitution gets in the way. Make America strong again. Vote Republican. Or else.

In the history of CTU, has the ever been a perimeter that caught anyone?


Who does number two work for?

Dammit! They’re getting away!

You could have just asked, Jack.

I successfully avoided watching this. I did, however, read Dave Barry’s live commentary on the premier, which I believe is more entertaining.

Loved it! So ridiculous and over the top, but they do know how to do that thriller/action thing right.

How can you not like Miranda from mass effect playing a cia agent? Someone from the new star wars movie? Stanfields right hand man from The Wire?

I’ll back it down one step to “Enjoyed it!” but I totally agree that they know how to keep things moving in a way that gets me hooked!

I haven’t seen it yet, how are they doing the whole 24 hours in 12 episodes thing? Each episode is 2 hours of “real time”?

I believe it’s only 12 hours and 12 episodes. Terrorists abducted the other 12 hours.

They are breaking with the 24 straight hours of story in 24 episodes. It’s actually 12 hours of story, each episode happens in real time, but the amount of time between each episode will vary.

In other words, Jack Bauer procrastinates 20 minutes on the hour while the action breaks to commercial.

What happened to Chloe? I don’t remember season 8 ending badly for her…

I hope Logan comes back. His scenes were some of my favorites.