Rev. Moon: Congressional Messiah

You’re completely wrong. I’m sure both parties have done even more extreme (and more dangerous and illegal) things for money than this. Politics in Washington is a Bloodsport. Just because most money transactions are more private and less ostentatious doesn’t make them any less effective.[/quote]
I’m also sure that the parties have done more extreme things… so fucking what? And the effectiveness was never questioned. Ideally, all those things would be reported on. Of course, they’re not, due to a combination of media laziness and voter apathy. It doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t cover the stories that we do uncover.

This isn’t symbolic communication. This is catering to a very vain man.
Those two aren’t mutually exclusive… in fact, they often go hand in hand.

There has been no communication of ANY type to anyone except perhaps Moon himself that he has been coronated in any way regarding him as the Messiah and/or him as the leader of the United States.

Oh Jesus. You really do need to go back to your communications degree. Almost any interaction between two humans involves communication. So, yes, there was, beyond any shadow of a doubt, communication of SOME type between the good Reverend and those Congressmen.

Have you ever roleplayed? You know, Dungeons and Dragons and the like? Or I suppose you don’t because you believe it Symbolically Communicates that you are a 19th level Wizard.

Try looking up the “symbolic” part of “symbolic communication”. Your example is closer to direct communication than symbolic. Oh… and “symbollically communicates” shouldn’t be capitalized; it’s not a proper name, merely a general category. Learn how to use the English language, you fucking dunce.

But hey, don’t take my word for it. Send a letter, send an email, whatever, to these representatives and ask them if they think Rev. Moon is the Messiah or the leader of the United States, or at least in some symbolic sense he is. I will gladly eat crow if it turns out they do!

Brian, you’ve got a whole lot more crow to eat than just this post. Maybe, eventually, you’ll grow up, stop popping your own pimples, and learn the value of shutting up and listening to your superiors. You’ve got a whole lot to learn, boy. Better get crackin’.

Page One, baby!