Revisiting my roots

I must now make this pilgrimage myself.

And I will use your itinerary as a template for my own.

Please stab some Rooskies for me if they have a Rush N’ Attack.


SmashTV for the mother fucking win.

A friend and I used to play the hell out of Ikari Warriors and Heavy Barrel. We got to where we could beat Heavy Barrel on one quarter (each…coop, baby!). Ahhh…good times.

Pssh, the Star Wars Arcade owns them all.

I have been trying to find one of those in working order somewhere that isn’t insanely priced.

Rush N’ Attack… Wow. So many hours wasted during junior high… I used to leave home early, swing by 7-11 before school, and play a few games.

Good times.

Here’s an in-depth report of my trip. Good times.

There were some issues. While most of the machines were in good working order, I noticed that a lot of the monitors are getting pretty ragged. The monitor in the Xevious machine was completely screwed up. The gas pedel in Spy Hunter would depress all the way down, so you couldn’t go full speed.

However, they did fix the controls on the Star Wars game. It plays beautifully now. And the rocking sit-down version of Space Harrier was working perfectly.

Best game of the day was Multiplayer Warlords. We kicked major computer ass.

Damn, the mention of Heavy Barrel made me think of Time Soldiers, which friggin’ rocked. And Time Killers, now that I think about it, the coolest fighter ever!


There is a place like this in Colorado Springs, CO. Though it is more pre-electronic games and old pinball machines. Great Place to visit.

Did they have Food Fight?

Why yes they did. I gave it a go. My aiming sucks.

More details, please, if you know them . . .

Good man.

Is it just my imagination, or is it THE SAME GUY in every one of those High Score photos?

It’s the same guy. There are one or two dudes who appear to hold about 20 records each. One of them was actually there playing games. He was playing Centipede one-handed (I’m not kidding). Later on we saw him playing Dig Dug and just clearing all the dirt off of each board.

Wow. I hope that guy is the owner/manager. If not, he needs a life badly.

For my birthday this past Saturday my friend Joe and I went to Funspot. Our wives and my 24-year-old niece went along too. We were going with the play games for an hour, drink beer for a half hour plan.

We also had coupons that would get us 175 tokens for $20, so as far as Joe and I were concerned, we were set for the day. The girls all got $20 worth of tokens each, and we all went off to play for an hour.

My niece went through all 175 tokens in the first hour. The wives were each over half done with theirs. They were amazed that Joe and I had so many tokens left. I thought I had been doing continues like a drunken sailor, but apparently they were going through a token every 2 or 3 minutes. After about 5 hours of gaming goodness (got my name up on Zaxxon, Star Wars --original vector version, and Joust) we adjourned to skee ball and fabulous prizes.

And that same guy was still there playing Dig Dug and Centipede. All day.


Keep pressing the buttons during attract mode to loop the rad music sample

If I had a place like that to go to when I was 10 years old, all that awesome would have given me a heart attack.

Moon patrol, Zaxxon, Tempest…oh how sweet it is…

That’s crazy. I was there as well on Saturday. How did I not see you? My GF and I wanted a fun getaway, and when she heard me talking about Funspot, she thought that area would be nice for a day or two.

We were there from about 2:30 - 4:30 on Saturday, and absolutely loved it. She wanted to hear me describe all the different classic games that were there, as I played almost all of them. She really likes the driving games and skee ball, so we played that for a bit as well.

We stopped in for a little bit on Sunday before heading home, and did a little candlepin bowling and made another pass at all the games.

I did see the Centipede/Dig Dug guy. He didn’t creep me out as much as the old lady that was obsessively playing the slot machines for tickets. She walked by me as I was playing Gauntlet, checking the coin slots in every arcade machine on the top floor.

Oh, and GregB - thanks for mentioning the place. I wouldn’t have known it was there if it wasn’t for you. It was truly a blast from the past.

If you haven’t yet, check out … great film and a good portion of it is filmed at FunSpot. It’s out this Friday (although it doesn’t seem to be at many theatres … yet … not sure what is going on with that).