Richard Dawkins: I will arrest Pope Benedict XVI

Apparently no one has told you about World Bad Dude Crew, formerly Asskickers Without Borders, formerly the International Bad Dude Club, formerly the European Federation of Badasses, formerly M.O.U.S.T.A.C.H.E., formerly the Joint Taskforce on Ruling your Face on Land or At Sea, formerly The Society of Pirates of All Kinds, formerly Armor is for Pansies, formerly the Golden Shower Horde formerly the Knights of Stuff that Justifies Fighting, formerly Rainbow Gang, formerly the Order of the Extravagant Facial Hair, formerly the Sons of Bar Damer, formerly Local Face Tasters #432, formerly known as Arminius Presents: Bad Motherfucker, formerly known as the Comittee to Fist Rome, an organization which predates Christianity by as many as twenty-seven years.

Yep, this has been pointed out already in this thread.

And now that undisputed moral authority has been exposed as borderline condoning child rape, a phenomenon that appear to be so horrifically widespread in the organization that it may possibly be termed endemic. And the church itself is so utterly fucking out of touch with reality (which is perhaps to be expected of a religious organization but really…child rape) that bishops in Connecticut are actually fighting a legislation aimed at allowing the law to punish those who were raping said children.

This is not the Boy Scouts refusing gay kids membership, this is the purported Hotline To The Father Almighty being complacent when it comes to members of its own organization fucking children. Deaf ears, indeed.

George Bush caused directly and indirectly the deaths of hundreds of thousands by his invasion of Iraq. Child rape is bad, but lets be fair, hundreds of thousands of dead is worse. Britain should arrest that fucker the second he steps foot on holy Albion.

Vladimir Putin finds ways of disappearing his political opponents and somehow remains in charge without being in charge, but i don’t see many people calling to arrest him when he arrives at a foreign destination.

The problem is that the while the Americans claim to let freedom ring to the thunderous sound of fuel-air explosives, and Russians don’t claim anything but their right to hold Europe hostage whenever they want to control the price of natural gas, the Catholic Church claims they can save a man’s soul. And to be Catholic you actually have to act like you believe that stuff; which means treating priests as wayward sheep rather than Dateline pedophiles. It doesn’t help that the Catholic Church blames the secular world for making them pedophiles in the first place, and the rather naive/cynical/willingly blind believe that many or most of the cases brought against the priests are false or for money.

The difference is that where the US and Russia will glass your country if you arrested their respective heads of state, the Papacy has… the popemobile. Which, while a nice ride, is nonetheless not a force of military power projection (unless the Pope is also a powerful psyker).

Excuse me, but fuck that.

I’m not sure what your point is Endigm. Yes, arresting the heads of two of the most powerful nations on earth is not feasible. Yes, arresting the Pope is much more possible. The lawyers think they can argue he actually can’t claim diplomatic immunity, unlike for Putin or Bush obviously. We have direct evidence that the pope has helped protect child rapists and has allowed them to continue working with potential victims - and that’s just him personally, if you take his organisation into account we’d be here all day.

So let’s do it yea?

EDIT: And seriously, never, ever, no matter how well intentioned, start a sentence with “Child rape is bad, but…”. Child rape is as bad as it gets. At least the dead don’t have to suffer any more.

When is your country due to sink?

At this point I would expect/hope many Catholics are re-evaluating that aspect of their beliefs. I would think some out there are grasping the implications of a worldwide organization whose primary function is promoting morality dealing with immoral acts by its ambassadors by refusing to conform to the morality the organization promotes. Publicity stunt or not, I appreciate what Dawkins is attempting to do, because somebody has to hold these fuckers accountable, and when it goes all the way to the top, apparently it’s going to take drastic/ridiculous measures to get that ball rolling.

Yes, at one time the Pope was the most powerful ruler in Europe. The crimes coming to light currently are probably a tiny percentage of the children sexually abused, violated, and tormented by Catholic clergy over the centuries. During most of that time, the victims could do nothing to protect themselves, let alone seek justice. Perhaps now is the time the world admits that when it comes to covering up hundreds (if not thousands) of cases of sexual abuse, nobody fucking cares how big your hat is. I mean, do you seriously think the doctrine of infallibility was set up because it was believed to be a religious truth, or because it meant that even kings had to do whatever the Pope demanded they do? It’s a political maneuver that no longer holds water in the 21st century.

What Bush did was legal. Wrong, stupid, etc but legal (at least on it’s face). Child rape is not legal. They are mounting a legal challenge. This is why this makes sense to me.

Lorini - Which children did the future pope rape?

Maybe you hadn’t noticed, but the Catholic Church no longer has the world convinced that it is a moral authority, and it also isn’t the supreme overgovernment body of the western world anymore. Seriously, this is not a defense. What he did is vile, wrong, and illegal, and it’s not mitigated even a little bit by the fact that he was acting in the interests of his warped religion.

Lorini - are you suggesting that the future pope raped a child?

Lately, my posts have been wildly misinterpreted in my mind. This seems to be one of those times. ‘Future pope’? Where is that remark coming from?

The thread is about a purported attempt to arrest the pope.

Your short post mentions the legal challenge and child rape. Perhaps you did not clearly state your thoughts or I misread/misinterpreted what you said, but as it now stands, your post reads to me as a suggestion that the current pope (the future pope as of the time of the actions in question) is facing a potential legal challenge for child rape.

But rather than me trying to perhaps over-interpret your thoughts, do you think the future pope did something illegal, and if so, what was it?

And why did you charge the getaway driver with bank robbery? All he did was drive the car. He didn’t rob anybody.

bago - Is that a way of avoiding the issue?

What did Ratzinger do that was illegal?

That would be what the trial is for. The allegation is that he was abetting after the fact and obstructing justice, but it’s not as cut and dry as “His penis was inside this small boy from 3:30 to 3:45 in the afternoon on July 22, 1985.” It tends to be considered a failure to observe proper decorum if you hold the title without the guy in hand, though, so usually you would arrest him first and then go to court to determine what we’re going to consider to be legal fact.

Not on this planet. Seriously not.