Rimbo World

Started my first colony, played maybe 15 hours, ran through the tutorial and then just kept playing that start to see where it took me and figure out stuff along the way.

I’m a few days into winter, I got hydroponics, but I think I needed to build a more reliable power source, a couple solar panels are not getting the job done on warmth or lighting the hydroponics (had not accounted for sun not putting out same energy during winter). So, since growing my own food during winter was the plan that isn’t working out quite as planned, I’ve turned to hunting anything that moves and blew all the silver I had on some food supplies from traders that happened by (who also appear to have no sense of boundaries, they just wandered all over my place like they owned it).

Net so far: brilliant game, I probably won’t make it through the winter and that doesn’t bother me in the least.