Rimbo World

Yeah I saw that earlier. The firs thing that happened when I launched it is I got a bunch of debug errors. I also can’t even think about playing this game without the Extended Storage mod. I am not sure why he has that updated off steam for so long before he updates workshop.

I just ignored the debug errors. (I also keep backups of my saves, just in case.)

FYI, there’s an updated version of HugsLib here: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=818773962

Thanks! I think that’s the same HugsLib, so any existing subscriptions to it should auto-update. At least, it shows me that I’m already subscribed to it.

Now that it hit 1.0, maybe it’s time to play this. I only put 2 hours into it a while ago - so it is essentially brand new to me. It should even run on my laptop!

I can already see my first game is going to end well. We tamed a wild hermit woman, and she is now in a relationship with one of the original villagers. We captured a raider, healed her up, and then she went beserk, so we had to put her down. So ungrateful after I went to the effort of building a room just for her to be a prisoner in. My biggest problem right now is figuring out how to get a walk-in freezer going so food doesn’t spoil so fast. It is going better than the last time I played though. I actually managed to heal the raider, and my villager that got smacked around in the fight. Got a generator going and some batteries to store power.

It runs very well on my not-great laptop, perfect for train rides. It even alt-tabs well and runs fine when you reboot from hibernating the lappie.

My first 1.0 game had an unlucky start. One of the first events was that two of my three guys caught the flu, including the only one with any medical skill. They died.

I reloaded from the founding of the colony since I didn’t want to roll up characters again and now things are going well.

There are separate HugsLib mods for each release. You’ll want to unsub from your old one an resub to the new one. Many mods are like this.

That said, you might have the 1.0 version, but in that case it’s odd that it still shows red in the mod list.

I dunno. Hugslib was red yesterday morning, and I didn’t actually check again until the evening, and it was green. Somehow I was already subscribed to the release that became 1.0.

Biggest issue I’ve seen with older mods is that many of the writers have moved on and aren’t supporting them. But hopefully 1.0 will bring them back? I’ll admit - if it weren’t for this place, I wouldn’t have realized 1.0 had been released.

A warg just pretty much put the end to my first game. I guess I should’ve taken it more seriously. It was trying to kill our dog, so I sent someone to shoot it. It then took down that person and everyone else until the wild hermit lady, who almost certainly isn’t going to be able to nurse anyone back to health.

They’re tough little buggers. I like it when I start with one though. It can be a little tough to keep a pack of wargs fed early on.

I shot a boar because I needed food. I got boar revenge. 12 boars killed my entire colony and aggro’d everyone that walked onto the map forever afterwards.

Next game a bunch of those Megawhatever bugs decided they would path out of their caves into my base half the map away. Repeatedly. I didn’t even have a bed constructed before they killed everyone.

I stopped playing.

I suspect you may of picked the wrong storyteller.

At least they were killed by something cool like a boar. One of my colonies was wiped out by a herd of deer.

They weren’t storyteller events. They just happened because of RNG and random pathing.

It used to be bugs stayed near their caves, these were literally patrolling the map, which made the map impossible. You can’t beat 2 Megas, one of the mid-range ones and 2 small bugs with your 3 starting dudes and their weapons. The chinchilla didn’t exactly bring much combat advantage to the field either.

The boar thing was a 2% revenge failure that for some reason activated every boar on the map. At least I got a laugh out of the boars, unlike the bugs roaming the map and wasting my time.

Ok, well I was just thinking storyteller because when I go chillax and builder I’ve not had events like this happen. I mean don’t get me wrong, I eventually get events, and raids, etc, but long long after I’ve had plenty of time to prepare.

Yeah the bugs were less than 2 minutes in.

The boars were later because I needed food, but I wasn’t expecting a full map neverending aggro on everyone.

There is always some tourist who thinks those big brown eyed bullies with antlers are something to pet. You gotta teach your colonist to hunt them properly, with machine guns!