Rimbo World

Wow. Something I’ve never seen before. I got hit by a tornado. As it swept over it touched my mortar ammo stockpile which caused it to explode. The blast took out my four mortars. Amazingly nobody was killed by the tornado or the explosion.

The tornado right after it first appeared.

Whew! It’s going over the mountain! Maybe I’ll be okay.

Oh no! The aftermath of it grazing the ammo pile near my mortars. At least the firefoam shells I had there stopped the incendiary ones from lighting up the place.

Thankfully, colonists appear to know to run away from tornadoes.

So I bought this during the last Steam sale (though it was not on sale) and really enjoy it. Reminds me a little of Banished, except more fun to play and not as confusing.

Same here, I really just can’t stop playing this game.

I bet you’re whistling ‘Moving On’ right now aren’t you!

So I had a sapper raid that I rebuffed pretty easily. I have one pawn that is a melee type with a shield belt, power armor and a nasty longsword. But I really need another melee fighter. I started examining the downed raiders and came across a brawler with 12 in melee and some nice other skills and traits. I rescued him and then went to fix him up and gasped when it showed he was on Luciferium.

I thought about just putting him down but instead I have initiated my super soldier project. I’m going to go find a place to buy it and build up a stock pile. I’ve got the raider in a cryo casket until I can put together a stash. Then I’m going to unfreeze him and recruit him. In the meantime I’ll start assembling his bionic parts and power armor.

Never messed around with Luci before. I wonder if I can make some go juice for him as well? :)

I had a Luci addict once. He didn’t last long before he went berserk. It could have been my poor colony that caused it but I wouldn’t risk it. You could probably just keep him on ice unless you have a mission. Make him the Winter Soldier.

Once they’re part of your colony can you just tell people to go to cyro sleep, willingly?

Bah so there’s no way to euthanize a pet in this game? I had a senior lab suffering from dementia but I only saw butchering as the only option to put it down. Unfortunately the grave dug I forgot to set it for a Labrador only, and I also forgot to set the butchering settings to no lab meat, so tonight we’re eating dog. Luckily there was no bond between it and any of my colonists.

I’ve only tried it once but it worked. I had a pyromanic with a 14 medical skill I didn’t want to deal with so I put him in the chamber. He was one of the people I rescued from the chamber so I’m not sure If that makes a difference. That plan didn’t work out as the chamber was destroyed in a fire (not set by him) and he was killed. You can see his chamber on the left.

This fire was a snowball. I had way too many animals causing a sudden food shortage. This drove one colonist mad with hunger so he attacked another colonist in front of a visiting caravan. One of the guards had an incendiary launcher and attacked causing a fire and setting both my people on fire. The others rushed to fight the fire and some started succumbing to the super heated air. The deaths started to cause mood breaks and I had people starting fights in the fire and others going on smokeweed binges or wandering dazes, letting the fire spread. The entire time the yips of burning dogs filled the air. When the fire was finally defeated, I only had two colonists left out of all those colonists at the top of the pic. I still had ten huskies depleting my resources and my two guys were in bad shape. I was worried about an attack from a hungry dog so when they were asleep in the kennel, I had my guys seal the door shut so they couldn’t get out. I felt bad about that but Rimworld isn’t a happy place.

There is. Health tab => Operations => Euthanize by cut.

Doing this reduces the mood hit suffered in case of a colonist or bonded animal being put down. For non-bonded animals you can just pick slaughter.

How embarrassing, I never even looked at that tab until now probably because I never had to do any surgery yet.

I learned the hard way that you want to just have your best doctor set to medical or manually prioritize the surgery by selecting your best doctor and right clicking on the patient in the bed. Otherwise a low skill pawn is likely to step up and say “I can do this limb replacement” and the results will be ugly even catasrophic…especially if they have like a 4 in medicine. It’s classic Dunning-Kruger. :)

Also make sure you have your best medicine selected for the pawn.

I have all my doctors doing medical stuff freely so they can get better! I babysit the risky things though like… surgery for sure.

Theres that one mod you can use to make your tasks more granular. I usually go in and set the person with the best medicine as the only person who will perform surgery on colonists.

The work mod by Fluffy? I tried that but I didn’t find it that useful since my gamer OCD compels me to micro everything with my colonists. Maybe I should give it another shot but it felt like too much of an autopilot that removed me from the game.

I don’t particularly like the mod. It’s not super useful. However, after having a couple of botched surgeries thanks to chaos after raids, I decided to use it for that one thing.

Oh come on, you love that mod. Admit it. You’re such a tyrant, micromanaging every little thing your guys do. Except for battles, where you just lasso everybody and send them toward the enemy and say “Good luck! I hope you don’t lose any limbs!”

Well, I mean, they should duck behind cover or something

charge rifle

Great shooting, Bowman. Four rounds in the torso, three in vital organs. Now if only you could be as accurate when shooting mechanoids as you are when you gun down my doctor the moment she goes berserk.

No limbs lost or disfiguring burns. I’d call that a win. :)