Rimbo World

From the original KS FAQ (added emphasis):
It looks a lot like Prison Architect. What’s up with that? Blame my (Tynan’s) lack of art skill - especially with characters. I made the character art you see in the trailer as a stopgap, and borrowed the Prison Architect style because I’m not a good enough artist to develop a new one. They were never intended to be final. With this Kickstarter, we’ll be able to get a real artist who can sit down and develop an original style for RimWorld. I’ve talked with the original Prison Architect artist, Ryan Sumo, and he’s fully supportive of RimWorld. We didn’t share any art or code with the PA guys.

Yea the PA guys were very enthusiastic in some other mentions of Rimworld. So it’s a great set of genre’s supporting and benefiting each other.

Rimworld 1.0 has launched, the little story generator that could has officially left EA today.

what was the price during EA? wasn’t it the same $35?

I thought it was $30.

pretty sure i bought it for 30 while it was in EA, so up 5 bucks

Purchase history shows 29.99. I also gifted the game to someone because I thought it was pretty cool. It still is pretty cool if a bit, in some areas a lot, imperfect.

At $35 based on ALL the feeback feels like a good buy. Maybe once I get through Kingmaker, I’ll move on to this :)

It really is cool. I am sure someone who loves Dwarf Fortress will tell you why it’s not cool enough but there is so much flexibility and so many mods… you can really cater this game to your play-style and liking. By the time you get around to it, I imagine any mods that need to be updated for the final release will have done so which is nice. I am sick of chasing down updated mods so this final release will hopefully at least fix that.

This was my GOTY last year, even in Early Access. I have played very few games that are this addictive and satisfying.

I binged on it for a month last year - put it aside, came back this past summer and binged on it again.

It is worth $35 easily and if you haven’t played it, you are doing yourself a disservice!

This is my GOTLTY (Game of the last two years).

While I’m sure some people will bounce off this game quickly, for most $35 will be a bargain. I somehow racked up 792 hours in this one during early access (though I do tend to leave games paused in the background for days at a time, so take that number with a grain of salt).

This needs its own topic!

Now to decide to go in vanilla or spend an hour figuring out what mods I need to track down new versions of.

I was using a few QoL ones like the relations tab, medical tab, one that changes the color of gravel to make it easier to spot, rim fridge, and just one that I’d consider a bit of a “cheat” that gave you some info on refugees when you had to decide to accept them and get raided or turn them away.

Some mods have already been updated, and some (b19) are still working fine for me. Using my b19 save from yesterday.

Awesome trailer!

I started a b19 game last week… since I hadn’t played much since b17 or b18 - many of the mods were broken.

Thanks - I was concerned about this too.

What a great launch trailer.

I have 67 hours played spread out over many months but now with 1.0, I intend to really get going.

I think I will finally spend some quality time with this. The little that I have played has been fun and funny.

I’ve put 407 hours into this already. As soon as my workshops update I’ll have to play some more. I can’t remember what the last version is I did play though.

I put in a few hours today playing 1.0 with the mods I listed above. Most (the ones that are checked and have a red font) are still b19, and yet I still experienced zero issues.