RIP Gene Wilder

I showed this to my kids the other day. My favorite scene:

Very sad to hear about this, even more so when a coworker said “Who?” when I let them know.

For some reason I thought he died years ago so now I’m mourning him twice. This sucks :(

I am kind of blown away that he was 83. I shouldn’t be, but Wilder was somehow frozen in time for me, maybe because he’s been mostly out of the public eye for some time. But yeah, comedy legend and towering figure in my childhood, I will miss him. Glad he was able to go out peacefully, surrounded by his family.

Gene Hackman next, I’m calling it.

Don’t you fucking dare. He’s my all-time favorite actor.

It may be ghoulish to discuss but I worry a bit that Gene Hackman and Sean Connery retired from acting due to increased difficulty learning their lines. Of course could just be normal aging, but, like I said I worry a bit.

Well, their last movies were also terrible. For Hackman, it was “Welcome to Mooseport.” For Connery, it was “The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen.”

I’m guessing they both said “Fuck this noise.”

Lest we forget this nightmarish thing…

Whoa, I’d never even heard of that. Geezus.

My wife and I were eating at a restaurant in London while I was attending the ECTS gaming show in the late 90s and realized that Gene Wilder was sitting a few tables over having dinner with someone. I sooo wanted to go thank him for all the laughs, but had too much respect to interrupt his dinner. I was awesome to be in his presence, though.