RIP Mikhail Gorbachev

That’s because he’s outlived them all. It’s kind of amazing, really he wasn’t 9 years old during the war, he was 9 years old way back when Hitler came to power in '33. Both his parents and his younger brother lived until at least their mid 90s. The genes in that family.

He spoke at a local college in 2012 and I wish I’d had the time, money or connections to see him.

I suspect the criticism of the US comes more of the private sector and a forcing of “shock therapy” on the Russians, which is said to have created the environment which led to Putin.

While I agree that “shock therapy” is hideous , I don’t know if it could have been prevented.

Kissinger? I was fucking her!

Oh, you.

Good piece from the excellent John Ganz on the complicated legacy of Gorbachev.