RIP RichVR: now bending God's ear with tales of his rambunctious early days

Gravity gets you every time. Sad to hear.

Truly a gaming hero. That’s gaming as in DING DING DING! not as in KA-CHING KA-CHING KA-CHING!

RIP RichVR. Our community is a little less full.

Sorry to hear about this.

Thanks for letting us know the sad news. RIP Rich, he’ll be missed.

Wow. Sorry to hear. Was hoping for a positive update regarding his current struggles, not this shitty news. RIP, Rich.

Really sorry to see this news. Always enjoyed Rich’s stories. RIP.

Well shit. Best thoughts to his family and friends.

Two sides to every story.

(Not to imply that we need or deserve or want to hear the other side.)

Oh, man, this is such sad news. Rest in Peace, Rich.

I just checked and his last post was around December 17, so was he having health issues since then?

Like many here, I suspect, I also considered Rich a friend despite never having met in person. I’m glad he knew how much he was loved and appreciated here. RIP, good sir. You earned that rest.

No no no. Fuck.

This makes me feel so terribly sad. As a relative newcomer to QT3, I didn’t know him nearly as well as you all did, but I’ve come to enjoy and appreciate each and every one of you over the past few years and this hits me hard. RIP @RichVR. See you in another life.

Horrible news…RIP.

RIP Rich. It was always fun to run across his stories that would just pop up in the middle of a thread.

Awful news, truly a much-loved member of the board. RIP.

Oh no! No, no no! Damn it.

RIP my friend.

Shit. Or maybe Fuck.
Poor guy - most of all I’m sorry that his last year was so shitty.

Rest in Peace Rich. You will be missed.

Damnit. Always enjoyed his posts and was really rooting for him to come out the other side of the challenges he’s faced in the last year or so.

Rest in peace, Rich. You’ll be missed.

I don’t even know how to process this. Such a great guy and such a huge loss. RIP Rich, you’ll be missed.