Rise of the Tomb Raider

Can anyone tell me how to get doubleshot to work on the PC? I get a target on their head but it doesn’t lock on the first guy. Obviously I’m doing something wrong but heck if I can tell what it is?

You need to zoom in first (Click the Right Stick I think).

I was watching my son play co-op Farcry 4 and he was playing catch-up on crafting his kit. His friend was leading him through the woods killing every wild animal they could find. Every time he would spot an animal I would yell “It’s coming right for us!”

I don’t think my PC has a right stick :) Nevermind, I figured it out.

I just realized that was one of the first upgrades I bought and I never once used it - I didn’t even know how. Wow.

Poison arrows do the same thing and seem to be more reliable and less finicky.

Poison arrows are awesome. YOu can bring down whole groups of armored foes with a well aimed poison arrow.

Oh yeah, Poison Arrows are how I got through the game, I used them all the time, and they never let me down. I think except for a certain flame-thrower equipped mini-boss, no one would resist their power!

Poison arrows are completely over-powered IMO. There was really never much reason not to use them.

Famous last words:

“Whose radio is that?”

(You can craft IEDs from radios and the bad guys will come over and check them out, with the inevitable boom quickly following. I need to do this again!)

In the first game, it was one of the skills you could unlock with a skill point. But yes, not having that in this game is kind of a bummer. Now you need to find each map, explorers backpack and monolith (coin cashes) to populate all of the map. Or go online.
Best thip I can give is to get the skill that highlights items through walls. Makes it easier to find stuff…

Finally started playing this. It is gorgeous. But it feels a bit ubisofty, many many map icons and fluff. Liking it a lot though, it plays nicely.

Death from above!

Exactly. This is everything wrong about the reboot. That innocent face and posh English accent cannot disguise all that ugliness.

Tom’s review: http://www.quartertothree.com/fp/2016/02/16/38140/

Good news if you like the rebooted TR games. Sales are up to 2 million units, with over 400k on Steam.

This game is pretty good, but they really need to replace their writing team. I never want to hear the words “prophet” and “divine source” again.
Not a single interesting character in the game. Cliched boring villain. Predictable twists. Ugh.

I really enjoyed the siblings though,and some of the revelations about how they became what they are, was pretty interesting. It does require reading / hearing the extra stuff lying around though.

Oh yeah yesterday I read how Ana made Constantine believe God was talking to him as a kid because he was “difficult child” but it was her, wow much interesting

too bad it is buried under mountain of nonsense…I tried to read everything, but now I just quickly eyeparse it, can’t take it anymore

and all the stuff about Lord Croft…game attempts to make me feel things for Lara about her loss but it is hard when it is so hammily written and there is no actual Lord Croft established…TLOU did this well, made me attached to Joel’s daughter in 15 minutes which is impressive, so then what happened hit hard

here, nothing

Well, not all games are for everyone - I enjoyed my time in this immensely, but didn’t enjoy other games that others loved. Just goes to show!