Rising Sun PBF


Split bids down the line.

The Bonsai army commits ritual suicide at dawn, gaining Bonsai 2 VP for each due to Righteousness and gaining two steps on the Honor ranking.

Dragonfly finds no one to take hostage, and wins Ronin with no one to fight. They take the Province token.

Bonsai spared a few poets to commemorate their honorable refusal to fight an even battle.

Dragonfly’s 2 Coins go to Bonsai, replacing the 2 coins Bonsai spent.

Final battle of Spring

Bonsai’s Daimyo cannot be taken hostage. Both clans have Righteousness.

@Mike_Cathcart and @ironwulf, bids to me privately, please.


The bid on Seppuku ties, and Honor breaks all ties. Bonsai is more Honorable than Fox, so Bonsai wins, and denies Seppuku.

Bonsai does win the Hostage bid and takes the Fox Bushi hostage, with 1 VP from Fox as well.

Bonsai wins the Ronin advantage, stopping Fox’s Ronin. It’s important to note that if Fox had won this, Fox’s 4 Ronin would have fought even though no Fox figures remained, and Bonsai would have been beaten.

But that did not happen, and Bonsai wins the day. Bonsai also pays off the bar tab of the Imperial Poets, but no figure actually died, so no VP gained here.

Final War Province Token distribution:


Each token is worth its number in end-game VP (1 for Spring, 2 for Summer, 3 for Autumn) but who has which tokens is important for end-game set collection bonus. You want as many different tokens as you can gather.


We now reset for Summer.

All coins and Ronin are returned to the bank.

All Kami are returned to the Heavens. All Shinto in the shrines, including Komainu, are returned. (Fox has a Shinto on the map, which remains.)

All hostages are returned to their owners, and the taker gains a coin from the bank for each.

Each clan gains their Season Income, which does differ by clan.

Summer Train cards are revealed. The two unbought from Spring are still available.

The order of the War Tokens is randomized and laid out.

The order of the Mandate tiles is secretly randomized.

1 Path of the Warlord: After you Summon, gain 1 coin
1 Path of the Warlord: After you summon, gain 1 coin

Summer Mandate Order

We are now in the Summer Tea Ceremony.

All players please bargain for alliances. You may find that the board state, the VP situation, and the availability of certain Train cards may help you find natural allies.

Phase ends when all players have published to the thread their confirmed alliances, or indicated that they will play the Season without an ally.

@Thraeg, @Juan_Raigada, @Ex-SWoo, @ironwulf, @RothdaTheTruculent, @Mike_Cathcart


@Juan_Raigada thoughts on a allyship this turn? Looks like we’re good in position to help each out.

You mean, because we both suck?

I agree, let’s ally!


While we’re in the Tea Ceremony, I should mention my coin count appears to be off by one. 4 coin income plus one for the hostage I had taken last season?

D’ohnoted and fixed.

I’m not sure if the Lotus-Turtle alliance is official yet, but I would point out to Lotus that we are extremely well situated for a Harvest action. As with me and Fox, I would be happy to share my bounty from the Harvest with you so that we both gain great benefit. Also, unlike Turtle, I officially have the Virtue of “Honesty”, and so you doubly know that you don’t have to worry about a betray action.


I’m happy to lock in with Lotus if he is ok with it. @Juan_Raigada

Yes, let’s do it.


How about you Fox? Judging by the VP rankings, things worked out well for you last time. :D

Koi, I’d also be happy to partner with you since I don’t want to spend my quarterly budget again just trying to keep you away from the Ronin.

So Turtle and Lotus seem to be in agreement. Anyone else? @Thraeg, @ironwulf, @Mike_Cathcart, @RothdaTheTruculent?


Sure, this works for me. Let’s do it.

Sheesh…unfortunate grade school memories of being picked last
Fox, looks like you and I should ally as we’re the only ones left?

Great, Dragonfly and Koi are allied.

Ok, works for me.

I believe we have:

Louts has the Mandate selection.

Lotus also has the clan ability to play whatever mandate they like, and bury one of the other mandates. @Juan_Raigada, I’m privately sending you the list of the four tiles you drew.

Also a reminder that Lotus has Path of the Patron, where they get 2 Coins after they Summon if they have more Honor than two other clans, which they do.

Everyone else, jockey for position and bribe Lotus as you like.