Rocket League

Finally out for Xbox One.

I have this on the PC but got the Xbox version to get my kids off my pc. It’s great identical to the pc version and still as playable. Kids are loving it.

Glad that Xbox only players can get this great game. Wish the MP wasn’t closed off and they could put all players together.

I got it last night. I’ve put about 100 hours into the PC version, but wanted the couch option (without buying a SteamLink and rewiring my house). Fired it up very early this morning (after 12am) and there were actually more players on it than the PC (I checked - 16,000 on Xbox, 10,000 on PC…should have taken screenshots).

Anyways, it’s good. Same old same old, really. It’s actually a little hard to get used to playing on a big screen from 10 feet away versus my monitor and 3 feet away.

Another annoying aspect is having to unlock everything already. Looks like Wasteland and its cars are included (unlocked my Ripper this morning…though i’m waiting to see if my Takumi is available :)). They seem to only be offering the Back To The Future DLC as something you have to purchase right now.

So, overall…it’s the same old same old.

One thing that caught me off guard was that I though I could come in as a vet and stomp the rookies while getting my levels up…one minor thing I forgot is that your teammates are all rookies as well and they all act unpredictably…so, you expect them to hit the ball and predict where it will go, but they miss…I had forgotten was the early days were like. Some games last night, though, I did have to hold back because I felt bad. I would play just enough to get the MVP / win for the experience points ;)

Of course, this morning, I wanted to play a couple of games before work and the servers were offline :|

So, I haven’t played this in a while, but my son tells me there is some kind of testing area that includes unreleased stuff. Apparently, he saw the circular Utopia map from SSARPBC in there (basically a doughnut with goals at 4 and 8 on the clock), which is fantastic news in my book.

It’s under the Rocket Labs playlist (I believe that is the name). I know for sure its in the PC version (played them last week and they were great), but I don’t think it is in the Xbox version (though it could come next week with hockey).

Batmobile coming to Rocket League.

Also, they’ve made a distribution deal with a publisher and they’re going to retail soon.

Goddammit…they have taken all my monies already!

Well, crap. This is fun.

I’m trying to wrap up my backlog here!

Super quick question before I really dig into this: is it considered bad form to kind of hold back and wait for a good opportunity to strike? I see like 5 cars in a scrum with the ball in the air and figure I’ll just drive a wide circle and collect the garbage. But at the same time I feel like I’m being selfish by waiting for a good moment for myself.

I do that all the time, but half to exploit an opportunity and half to act as a rear guard in case things go horribly wrong. Committing to a scrum like that is something I’m only willing to commit to if I know someone else on my team is covering that.

It’s better than having a defender camp the goal all game, IMO.

Yup. I play a similar style. I don’t camp, but I’ll play ‘attacking defender’ more than anything. It’s about reading the play and moving up when your team has control of the ball. It does change from 2v2 to 3v3 to 4v4.

Looks like everyone better get good at dunking for the next update.

I feel like this is a game I could play another 100 hours or quit right now and be content. Multiplayer is addictive.

I’m closing in on 300 hours according to Steam and I have no doubt that I’ll be adding significantly more time to that. Such a fantastic game, especially ranked play when you’re teaming up regularly with the same people.

The people that play this on Twitch are playing a different game from the one I’m playing.

That’s part of my undying fascination with the game. Trying to bridge the gap to what they’re doing. And failing.

To me it feels far enough away that I’d rather just stop here. I can always play it again later.

Yeah I had to uninstall. I was at that awkward point with a multiplayer game where the initial rush had worn off and I started to get pissed at how I was playing and random stuff out of my control like matchmaking. I don’t have the time to push past that part right now.

The game isn’t going anywhere. People will still be playing this in a couple years. If I ever get back into it, the aerial training seems like a good idea.

Oh no. Rare items and trading are coming.

NOTE: In the interest of full disclosure, we plan to implement Player-to-Player Trading in a later update. Some items, like those with “Painted” or “Certified” attributes, may become much more valuable if you can trade them to other players. The “Trade-In System” is designed to let you get rid of unwanted or duplicate items, but you should consider carefully what you trade now versus what you might want to keep for future player-trading opportunities.

They’ve been unofficially planning to include trading since they made uncommon drops drop multiple times for players. There was never anything to do with any cosmetic beyond the first one other than to potentially trade it away using some future system. As long as it stays purely cosmetic, it really doesn’t matter to me at all.