Rocksteady throws down the Batgauntlet in Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League [review]

Heh, right? However, keep in mind, I don’t mean to draw direct comparisons to Bizarre Creations ingenious cult classic. I was just using it a touchstone for how games can use scoring. Suicide Squad introduces that same element and I love how it makes me think before I shoot, and how it provides a feedback system for how I’m doing. I feel like that all started with Bizarre Creations.

Man, I think you just sold me on the game.

Understood. I appreciate games like that.

I still say “Laaast Bullet” out loud while playing in the Warzone and taking someone down with the last round in the gun.

There was a shirt!

For me, it was when you referenced anthem :D

That said, since I started working six days a week last year, I’ve mostly been playing roguelite games I can play in short spurts and nothing at all more “meaty”. No rpgs, no tactics games, etc for more than a couple of hours. I just haven’t had the energy

so, this is good single-player only? Or do you need other players for the full experience?

It is definitely NOT multi-player only or single-player only, and I hope I didn’t give that impression! What might be confusing is that you’ll always have all four members of the Suicide Squad playing, even if bots are controlling the other three. It’s a party-based game. Like Baldur’s Gate! You can play it multiplayer at any point after chapter 1, with other players controlling the other members of the Suicide Squad. But it’s perfectly playable solo.

However! For the endgame stuff, I get the sense you’ll probably want to do it with other players. There’s an element of pushing up the difficulty level during the endgame, and I’m not sure how well it works with the bots, who aren’t aggressive at all (I suspect this is a design choice). I’ve been mostly doing the endgame content with a friend, but I’ll make a point to try it solo and report back.

At any rate, I’m squarely in the endgame now, so the Suicide Squad I’m playing is quite different from what I’d been playing. I even have a sense for how the upcoming Joker DLC will work when it comes out on in…checks calendar…oooh, exactly two weeks! If anyone’s interested, I’m happy to write a (spoilery) post to explain the endgame and how it’s different. I consider all that stuff spoilers since I was so delighted to discover it in an organic way, but obviously not everyone plays that way. So if anyone’s curious, I’m happy to spill.

BTW, my new main after mostly playing Deadpoolshot, then King Shark:

I love all four traversal types, but she’s definitely advanced mode. But when you get a groove going, Spider-Man’s got nothing on Harley Quinn with a Bat-drone!

What’s she wearing? Doesn’t look very, I dunno, supervillain-y.

This is around $36 on greenmangaming right now, Chick has made me get out my wallet again. I hope this is not as dull as Agents of Mayhem :p

Those are the duds she wore while she was incarcerated in Belle Reve before the end of the world! Except in a tasteful baby blue instead of the garish orange.

I make no promises on whether anyone will find the game “fun” or “boring”!

However, if we’re Steam buddies and you see me online, I will always be happy to join your game, even just to tag along and help.

So I’ve been having a blast with this over the past couple of days. I played and enjoyed Agents of Mayhem but it never conjured up the same passion in me that it must’ve done for @tomchick and that was mainly because the 3 squaddies you took with you weren’t there in person, even though there was some great banter. That and the story/world never quite grabbed me like Suicide Squad.

With this one though, the 3 others are always there and the banter is much more enjoyable to me since I am much more familiar with these characters and the whole setting. All of them are delightfully twisted and even Cpt. Boomerang, who I assumed I would absolutely hate, is pretty hilarious mostly as the punching bag for the other three.

I can’t get enough of this traversal and I didn’t really consider myself a fan of moving around. I started with Deadshot since he seemed the most straightforward and he is to a certain degree. But then I got to play with King Shark and…omg it was just delightful. However, the game finally got me to try Cpt. Boomerang, who seems absolutely ludicrous as a character but honestly he might be my favorite. Teleporting is just the start of his game and he just feels so smooth and fluid compared to Deadshot and King Shark. Still haven’t played around with Harley Quinn yet except a little right at the beginning.

The combat mechanics feel great but I still haven’t gotten the hang of countering enemies. I’m really glad to hear that Suicide Squad expects me to develop these skills organically over time and I love the popups that continue to remind me of what button to press and when to press them.

Right? I thought the same thing! But he’s freakin’ hilarious as the sadsack on the team, isn’t he? I really like what his voice actor is doing, too. All four of them actually, even if poor Deadshot always has to be straight man. He did get that great line about buying his daughter a Wonder Woman T-shirt.

It’s really something special, especially for how it integrates traversal with combat, which is partly a facet of level design. I can’t think of another game that does this so well. Not even the Spider-Man game.

I would go so far as to say countering is, hmmm…40% of the battle? A big deal at any rate!

Also, something that’s documented but that I’d missed until my friend pointed it out:

To counter a counter-able enemy – you know, when they strike the pose and the lightning symbols point to a location on their body – you can hit them anywhere. You don’t have to aim at what the lightning bolts are indicating! Instead, that is the location for a “perfect counter”, which will figure into some character builds. But hitting them anywhere will counter them normally.

I spent so much of the early game meticulously trying to aim at the lightning bolted location when I could have just snapfired to hit the character model! Doh!