Roy Moore, the 21st century George Wallace

That’s what they said about Reagan back in the 1960s. Not that Reagan was anywhere comparable in terms of content, just pointing out “politically impossible guy gets elected” isn’t something to sneer at.

I’m not sure how much this is exaggeration, really, but if fascism shows up here, it’s going to look like Moore.

I thought Pat Robertson was going to be a factor when he ran for the Republican nomination. He was really building momentum in the primaries.

Moore has a couple key factors in his favor, most importantly being a Southerner. However, he really can’t carry Pat Robertson’s water when it comes to public speaking. Moore comes off as educated, well-read, and hella bitter.

I’d like to see him get some traction in national politics though. I’d rather that the issues that he’d bring up are addressed and discussed up front rather than given the wink-wink-nudge treatment. That’s another thing for Moore, he doesn’t seem to be a wink-wink-nudge type of guy.