Rumors of a Military Coup in Turkey

Rare pokemon spoted in Turkey CP10

One of his problems will be that his support base is concentrated in rural areas, so his call for people to take to the streets might not help him much. There are probably a number of people that support what the military is doing.

I think it will come down to whether there is a sizable Islamist faction within the military that comes to his aid

Someone with photoshop is going to get upvoted to infinity for putting the GO ball over this

I had heard that he has asked for asylum in Germany. No link for that though.

I imagine Germany will tell him to go fuck himself.

There is way too much news this week.

OMG right? After Dallas I was like, “I need to keep better track of events” and got apps for the Washington Post and The Guardian. Ever since then it’s been one thing after another. Wow.

I wonder how Armenians feel about this coup.

After the German reporter and the Gollum stuff, I hope they do.

Have they changed that law yet?

If the coup succeed, and he have to flee. I hope he find home in some theocratic state, like Iran or Saudi Arabia.

Look, this tiny dictator have a tiny mic

Live stuff:

Live Reddit

Sounds like it is going to be bloody with akp supporters tangling with the military

It seems the Germans did indeed tell him to go fuck himself

The way things are developing it appears that this might peter out. There seem to be several officers who have come out against the coup, indicating that this might not be a very unified military action. The Eurasia Group (which I’ve never heard of, so take with the appropriate dosing of sodium chloride) is a risk consulting group that grades this as mid to low, indicating they believe this will not crumble fairly quickly.

Time will tell…

I wonder if the reports about the helicopter shoot down is true. There is no mention of any planes being shot down, and they seemed to have plenty up there. If it is true, this might be coming to an end

So here is the thing about this coup.

Either a country is a democracy, or it’s not, right?

If it’s a democracy but the election process is corrupt, it’s not really a democracy.

So here we have the military saying that essentially “we represent the secret will of the people”. But if it’s a democracy, then you really don’t. The will of the people was decided. If they elect a hardliner Islamist, that’s their business. It doesn’t matter if he undid all the secular process his predecessor did. If he represents the will of the people, that’s it.

Apparent Erdongen has been transferring power from the PM to the President, which he is. This is an erosion of their structure, but doesn’t he have the will of the people? Even if they are Islamists and extemeists?

Apparently mosques around Turkey have been coordinating the call to prayer and asking through those same speakers that the public take to the streets. Which they have.

This is akin in America for a fundamentalist Christian President to contact all churches and have them ring their bells in the middle of the night and call people to arms.

It really shows you how this guy operates.

And, I have to take back what I said about democracy somewhat, even though a parliamentary system is set up like this. He only won with 13% of the vote! Definately not a mandate.

Tank drivers arrested by police. Mob chant “Allah Ackbar”